Since Russia launched a full-scale military invasion into Ukraine on February 23, a series of cyberattacks have been detected targeting Ukrainian businesses, websites and government agencies amid the ongoing conflict. Meanwhile, organizations in the cybersecurity sector have begun taking action to provide help and support to those directly and subsequently impacted by cyber incidents relating to the Ukraine-Russia crisis. Here is a list of the cybersecurity vendors currently known to be offering aid.
Vectra AI: Threat detection and response vendor Vectra AI is offering a slate of free cybersecurity tools and services to organizations who believe they may be targeted by cyberattacks in the Ukraine-Russia conflict. For immediate assistance in the current emergency, Vectra AI is offering several services on a complimentary basis. These include scanning of Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD), Microsoft 365 and AWS environments for signs of attack, surveillance of network infrastructure both in the cloud and on-premises and supporting the retention of historical metadata to aid incident response investigations based on indicators of compromise for specific attack variants. It is also offering technology from Siriux to immediately discover malicious Microsoft Azure AD activity that could lead to the compromise of Exchange Online mailboxes.
SentinelOne: SentinelOne is offering its singularity XDR platform free of charge for 90 days to Ukrainian companies as its teams look to provide support for those in need by sharing research, recommendations, indicators, and tools to stay on top of the evolving threat landscape.
Avast: Cybersecurity software provider Avast has released a decryptor for HermeticRansom, a new ransomware strain accompanying the data wiper HermeticWiper malware circulating in the Ukraine, which was discovered by ESET on February 23. The tool can be used to decrypt devices infected with HermeticRansom and allows users to recover files.
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