The program violates the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification by using thread synchronization primitives.
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification requires that every bean provider follow a set of programming guidelines designed to ensure that the bean will be portable and behave consistently in any EJB container. In this case, the program violates the following EJB guideline: “An enterprise bean must not use thread synchronization primitives to synchronize execution of multiple instances.” The specification justifies this requirement in the following way: “This rule is required to ensure consistent runtime semantics because while some EJB containers may use a single JVM to execute all enterprise bean’s instances, others may distribute the instances across multiple JVMs.”
Modes of Introduction:
– Architecture and Design
Related Weaknesses
Other: Quality Degradation
Potential Mitigations
Phase: Implementation
Do not use Synchronization Primitives when writing EJBs.