Tag Archives: CVE-2005-4900

CWE-328 – Use of Weak Hash

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The product uses an algorithm that produces a digest (output value) that does not meet security expectations for a hash function that allows an adversary to reasonably determine the original input (preimage attack), find another input that can produce the same hash (2nd preimage attack), or find multiple inputs that evaluate to the same hash (birthday attack).

Modes of Introduction:

– Architecture and Design



Related Weaknesses




Access Control: Bypass Protection Mechanism


Potential Mitigations

Phase: Architecture and Design

Effectiveness: High


CVE References

  • CVE-2020-25685
    • DNS product uses a weak hash (CRC32 or SHA-1) of the query name, allowing attacker to forge responses by computing domain names with the same hash.
  • CVE-2012-6707
    • blogging product uses MD5-based algorithm for passwords.
  • CVE-2019-14855
    • forging of certificate signatures using SHA-1 collisions.
  • CVE-2017-15999
    • mobile app for backup sends SHA-1 hash of password in cleartext.
  • CVE-2006-4068
    • Hard-coded hashed values for username and password contained in client-side script, allowing brute-force offline attacks.