
Read Time:17 Second


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Update description:

Automatic update for openssl1.1-1.1.1n-1.fc37.


* Thu Mar 24 2022 Clemens Lang <> – 1:1.1.1n-1
– Upgrade to version 1.1.1n
Resolves: CVE-2022-0778, rhbz#2064918

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Gus Simmons’s Memoir

Read Time:21 Second

Gus Simmons is an early pioneer in cryptography and computer security. I know him best for his work on authentication and covert channels, specifically as related to nuclear treaty verification. His work is cited extensively in Applied Cryptography.

He has written a memoir of growing up dirt-poor in 1930s rural West Virginia. I’m in the middle of reading it, and it’s fascinating.

More blog posts.

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VMware’s Karen Worstell: This isn’t a black swan world anymore

Read Time:30 Second

Karen F. Worstell offers a grim assessment: Security teams, and by extension the organizations they serve, are now “living in a zero-day world.”

“That’s our new reality, and we have to operate on the assumption of breach,” she says.

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At the same time, she sees CISOs dealing with technical debt and limited budgets as well as the expectation that their security initiatives won’t slow the pace of business.

To read this article in full, please click here

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ghc-cmark-gfm-0.2.3-1.fc34 ghc-hakyll- gitit- pandoc- pandoc-citeproc- patat-

Read Time:32 Second


Packages in this update:


Update description:

Security fix for CVE-2022-24724
fixed upstream in Haskell cmark-gfm-0.2.3 in bundled cmark-gfm-0.29.0.gfm.3 C library
pandoc-citeproc: update HsYAML-aeson to

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