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Update description:

Security fix for CVE-2022-0571

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Man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack definition and examples

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What is a man-in-the-middle-attack?

A man-in-the-middle (MitM) attack is a type of cyberattack in which communications between two parties is intercepted, often to steal login credentials or personal information, spy on victims, sabotage communications, or corrupt data.

“MitM attacks are attacks where the attacker is actually sitting between the victim and a legitimate host the victim is trying to connect to,” says Johannes Ullrich, dean of research at SANS Technology Institute. “So, they’re either passively listening in on the connection or they’re actually intercepting the connection, terminating it and setting up a new connection to the destination.”

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Another Wiper Malware Targeted Enterprises in Ukraine #DoubleZero

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FortiGuard Labs is aware that enterprises in Ukraine were targeted by another wiper malware. Dubbed “DoubleZero,” the malware was distributed in a zip archive and destroys the compromised machine by overwriting files and deleting registry keys.Why is this Significant?This is significant because DoubleZero is the latest wiper malware used in the current Russia-Ukraine war and aims to destroy machines belonging to enterprises in Ukraine.FortiGuard Labs previous published multiple Threat Signals on other wiper malware that targeted Ukraine. See the Appendix for links to “Additional Wiper Malware Deployed in Ukraine #CaddyWiper,” “New Wiper Malware Discovered Targeting Ukrainian Interests” and “Wiper Malware Hit Ukrainian Organizations.”How Widespread is the Malware?At this time, there is no report that DoubleZero affected organizations outside of Ukraine.How does DoubleZero Work?DoubleZero was distributed in several ZIP archives, one of which is called “Virus … extremely dangerous !!!. Zip.” Once DoubleZero runs, it overwrites or uses API calls to zero out non-system files system files before moving on to overwrite critical system files and registry keys.What is the Status of Coverage?FortiGuard Labs provides the following AV coverage against the files involved in the attack:MSIL/DZeroWiper.CK!tr

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Friday Squid Blogging: Unexpectedly Low Squid Population in the Arctic

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Abstract: The retreating ice cover of the Central Arctic Ocean (CAO) fuels speculations on future fisheries. However, very little is known about the existence of harvestable fish stocks in this 3.3 million­–square kilometer ecosystem around the North Pole. Crossing the Eurasian Basin, we documented an uninterrupted 3170-kilometer-long deep scattering layer (DSL) with zooplankton and small fish in the Atlantic water layer at 100- to 500-meter depth. Diel vertical migration of this central Arctic DSL was lacking most of the year when daily light variation was absent. Unexpectedly, the DSL also contained low abundances of Atlantic cod, along with lanternfish, armhook squid, and Arctic endemic ice cod. The Atlantic cod originated from Norwegian spawning grounds and had lived in Arctic water temperature for up to 6 years. The potential fish abundance was far below commercially sustainable levels and is expected to remain so because of the low productivity of the CAO.

As usual, you can also use this squid post to talk about the security stories in the news that I haven’t covered.

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In cloud foundry CAPI versions prior to 1.122, a denial-of-service attack in which a developer can push a service broker that (accidentally or maliciously) causes CC instances to timeout and fail is possible. An attacker can leverage this vulnerability to cause an inability for anyone to push or manage apps.

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Read Time:20 Second

An improper authorization handling flaw was found in Foreman. The OpenSCAP plugin for the smart-proxy allows foreman clients to execute actions that should be limited to the Foreman Server. This flaw allows an authenticated local attacker to access and delete limited resources and also causes a denial of service on the Foreman server. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to integrity and system availability.

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