Cybersecurity litigation risks: 4 top concerns for CISOs

Read Time:40 Second

The threat of litigation is enough to keep any business leader up at night, and the increasing prevalence of data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity legislation and regulation is piling on the pressure for CISOs.

According to Norton Rose Fulbright’s latest Annual Litigation Trends Survey of more than 250 general counsel and in-house litigation practitioners, cybersecurity and data protection will be among the top drivers of new legal disputes for the next several years. Two-thirds of survey respondents said they felt more exposed to these types of disputes in 2021, up from less than half in 2020, while more sophisticated attacks, less oversight of employees/contractors in remote environments, and concerns about the amount of client data were all cited as mitigating factors.

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Cybersecurity litigation risks: 4 top concerns for CISOs

Read Time:40 Second

The threat of litigation is enough to keep any business leader up at night, and the increasing prevalence of data protection, privacy, and cybersecurity legislation and regulation is piling on the pressure for CISOs.

According to Norton Rose Fulbright’s latest Annual Litigation Trends Survey of more than 250 general counsel and in-house litigation practitioners, cybersecurity and data protection will be among the top drivers of new legal disputes for the next several years. Two-thirds of survey respondents said they felt more exposed to these types of disputes in 2021, up from less than half in 2020, while more sophisticated attacks, less oversight of employees/contractors in remote environments, and concerns about the amount of client data were all cited as mitigating factors.

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Managing container vulnerability risks: Tools and best practices

Read Time:41 Second

Containers are quickly becoming the de facto form of compute and workload deployments in the cloud-native ecosystem. The latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Cloud Native Survey shows that 96% of organizations are either actively using containers and Kubernetes or are evaluating them. Containers have well-known benefits such as portability, consistency and efficiency, but they aren’t without security concerns.

Container security is a complex activity that, much like broader cybersecurity, requires a combination of people, processes and technology, with the first being the most critical. Organizations looking to shift to widespread container use should be upskilling existing staff as well as bringing in others with the necessary skill sets to ensure a secure cloud-native operating model, of which containers are a key component.

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Managing container vulnerability risks: Tools and best practices

Read Time:41 Second

Containers are quickly becoming the de facto form of compute and workload deployments in the cloud-native ecosystem. The latest Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) Cloud Native Survey shows that 96% of organizations are either actively using containers and Kubernetes or are evaluating them. Containers have well-known benefits such as portability, consistency and efficiency, but they aren’t without security concerns.

Container security is a complex activity that, much like broader cybersecurity, requires a combination of people, processes and technology, with the first being the most critical. Organizations looking to shift to widespread container use should be upskilling existing staff as well as bringing in others with the necessary skill sets to ensure a secure cloud-native operating model, of which containers are a key component.

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Backdoor.Win32.GateHell.21 / Port Bounce Scan

Read Time:21 Second

Posted by malvuln on Apr 18

Discovery / credits: Malvuln – (c) 2022
Original source:
Contact: malvuln13 () gmail com

Threat: Backdoor.Win32.GateHell.21
Vulnerability: Port Bounce Scan
Description: The malware runs an FTP server on TCP ports
5301,5432,5300,5299,5298,5297,5296 and 5295. Third-party adversaries who
successfully logon can abuse the backdoor FTP server as…

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Backdoor.Win32.GateHell.21 / Authentication Bypass

Read Time:21 Second

Posted by malvuln on Apr 18

Discovery / credits: Malvuln – (c) 2022
Original source:
Contact: malvuln13 () gmail com

Threat: Backdoor.Win32.GateHell.21
Vulnerability: Authentication Bypass
Description: The malware runs an FTP server on TCP ports
5301,5432,5300,5299,5298,5297,5296 and 5295. Third-party attackers who can
reach infected systems can logon using any…

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Backdoor.Win32.Delf.zn / Insecure Credential Storage

Read Time:18 Second

Posted by malvuln on Apr 18

Discovery / credits: Malvuln – (c) 2022
Original source:
Contact: malvuln13 () gmail com

Threat: Backdoor.Win32.Delf.zn
Vulnerability: Insecure Credential Storage
Description: The default credentials for the backdoor are stored in
cleartext within the “Firefly.ini” file.
Family: Delf
Type: PE32
MD5: 9acdbfc9f7c1f6e589485b30aa91bfd2…

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