CWE-231 – Improper Handling of Extra Values

Read Time:11 Second


The software does not handle or incorrectly handles when more values are provided than expected.

Modes of Introduction:

– Implementation



Related Weaknesses




Integrity: Unexpected State


Potential Mitigations

CVE References

CWE-230 – Improper Handling of Missing Values

Read Time:27 Second


The software does not handle or incorrectly handles when a parameter, field, or argument name is specified, but the associated value is missing, i.e. it is empty, blank, or null.

Modes of Introduction:

– Implementation



Related Weaknesses




Integrity: Unexpected State


Potential Mitigations

CVE References

  • CVE-2000-1006
    • Blank “charset” attribute in MIME header triggers crash.

CWE-23 – Relative Path Traversal

Read Time:3 Minute, 33 Second


The software uses external input to construct a pathname that should be within a restricted directory, but it does not properly neutralize sequences such as “..” that can resolve to a location that is outside of that directory.

This allows attackers to traverse the file system to access files or directories that are outside of the restricted directory.

Modes of Introduction:

– Implementation



Related Weaknesses




Integrity, Confidentiality, Availability: Execute Unauthorized Code or Commands

The attacker may be able to create or overwrite critical files that are used to execute code, such as programs or libraries.

Integrity: Modify Files or Directories

The attacker may be able to overwrite or create critical files, such as programs, libraries, or important data. If the targeted file is used for a security mechanism, then the attacker may be able to bypass that mechanism. For example, appending a new account at the end of a password file may allow an attacker to bypass authentication.

Confidentiality: Read Files or Directories

The attacker may be able read the contents of unexpected files and expose sensitive data. If the targeted file is used for a security mechanism, then the attacker may be able to bypass that mechanism. For example, by reading a password file, the attacker could conduct brute force password guessing attacks in order to break into an account on the system.

Availability: DoS: Crash, Exit, or Restart

The attacker may be able to overwrite, delete, or corrupt unexpected critical files such as programs, libraries, or important data. This may prevent the software from working at all and in the case of a protection mechanisms such as authentication, it has the potential to lockout every user of the software.


Potential Mitigations

Phase: Implementation


Phase: Implementation


CVE References

  • CVE-2002-0298
    • Server allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service via certain HTTP GET requests containing a %2e%2e (encoded dot-dot), several “/../” sequences, or several “../” in a URI.
  • CVE-2002-0661
    • “” not in denylist for web server, allowing path traversal attacks when the server is run in Windows and other OSes.
  • CVE-2002-0946
    • Arbitrary files may be read files via .. (dot dot) sequences in an HTTP request.
  • CVE-2002-1042
    • Directory traversal vulnerability in search engine for web server allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via “..” sequences in queries.
  • CVE-2002-1209
    • Directory traversal vulnerability in FTP server allows remote attackers to read arbitrary files via “..” sequences in a GET request.
  • CVE-2002-1178
    • Directory traversal vulnerability in servlet allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary commands via “..” sequences in an HTTP request.
  • CVE-2002-1987
    • Protection mechanism checks for “/..” but doesn’t account for Windows-specific “..” allowing read of arbitrary files.
  • CVE-2005-2142
    • Directory traversal vulnerability in FTP server allows remote authenticated attackers to list arbitrary directories via a “..” sequence in an LS command.
  • CVE-2002-0160
    • The administration function in Access Control Server allows remote attackers to read HTML, Java class, and image files outside the web root via a “….” sequence in the URL to port 2002.
  • CVE-2001-0480
    • read of arbitrary files and directories using GET or CD with “…” in Windows-based FTP server.
  • CVE-2002-0288
    • read files using “.” and Unicode-encoded “/” or “” characters in the URL.
  • CVE-1999-1082
    • read files via “……” in web server (doubled triple dot?)
  • CVE-2004-2121
    • read files via “……” in web server (doubled triple dot?)
  • CVE-2001-0491
    • multiple attacks using “..”, “…”, and “….” in different commands
  • CVE-2005-2169
    • chain: “…/…//” bypasses protection mechanism using regexp’s that remove “../” resulting in collapse into an unsafe value “../” (CWE-182) and resultant path traversal.
  • CVE-2005-0202
    • “…/….///” bypasses regexp’s that remove “./” and “../”
  • CVE-2004-1670
    • Mail server allows remote attackers to create arbitrary directories via a “..” or rename arbitrary files via a “….//” in user supplied parameters.

CWE-228 – Improper Handling of Syntactically Invalid Structure

Read Time:26 Second


The product does not handle or incorrectly handles input that is not syntactically well-formed with respect to the associated specification.

Modes of Introduction:

– Implementation



Related Weaknesses




Integrity, Availability: Unexpected State, DoS: Crash, Exit, or Restart, DoS: Resource Consumption (CPU)

If an input is syntactically invalid, then processing the input could place the system in an unexpected state that could lead to a crash, consume available system resources or other unintended behaviors.


Potential Mitigations

CVE References

CWE-226 – Sensitive Information in Resource Not Removed Before Reuse

Read Time:1 Minute, 48 Second


The product releases a resource such as memory or a file so that it can be made available for reuse, but it does not clear or “zeroize” the information contained in the resource before the product performs a critical state transition or makes the resource available for reuse by other entities.

Modes of Introduction:

– Architecture and Design



Related Weaknesses




Confidentiality: Read Application Data


Potential Mitigations

Phase: Architecture and Design, Implementation

Effectiveness: High


During critical state transitions, information not needed in the next state should be removed or overwritten with fixed patterns (such as all 0’s) or random data, before the transition to the next state.

Phase: Architecture and Design, Implementation

Effectiveness: High


When releasing, de-allocating, or deleting a resource, overwrite its data and relevant metadata with fixed patterns or random data. Be cautious about complex resource types whose underlying representation might be non-contiguous or change at a low level, such as how a file might be split into different chunks on a file system, even though “logical” file positions are contiguous at the application layer. Such resource types might require invocation of special modes or APIs to tell the underlying operating system to perform the necessary clearing, such as SDelete (Secure Delete) on Windows, although the appropriate functionality might not be available at the application layer.

CVE References

  • CVE-2003-0001
    • Ethernet NIC drivers do not pad frames with null bytes, leading to infoleak from malformed packets.
  • CVE-2003-0291
    • router does not clear information from DHCP packets that have been previously used
  • CVE-2005-1406
    • Products do not fully clear memory buffers when less data is stored into the buffer than previous.
  • CVE-2005-1858
    • Products do not fully clear memory buffers when less data is stored into the buffer than previous.
  • CVE-2005-3180
    • Products do not fully clear memory buffers when less data is stored into the buffer than previous.
  • CVE-2005-3276
    • Product does not clear a data structure before writing to part of it, yielding information leak of previously used memory.

CWE-224 – Obscured Security-relevant Information by Alternate Name

Read Time:21 Second


The software records security-relevant information according to an alternate name of the affected entity, instead of the canonical name.

Modes of Introduction:

– Architecture and Design



Related Weaknesses




Non-Repudiation, Access Control: Hide Activities, Gain Privileges or Assume Identity


Potential Mitigations

CVE References

  • CVE-2002-0725
    • Attacker performs malicious actions on a hard link to a file, obscuring the real target file.

CWE-223 – Omission of Security-relevant Information

Read Time:34 Second


The application does not record or display information that would be important for identifying the source or nature of an attack, or determining if an action is safe.

Modes of Introduction:

– Architecture and Design



Related Weaknesses




Non-Repudiation: Hide Activities

The source of an attack will be difficult or impossible to determine. This can allow attacks to the system to continue without notice.


Potential Mitigations

CVE References

  • CVE-1999-1029
    • Login attempts not recorded if user disconnects before maximum number of tries.
  • CVE-2002-1839
    • Sender’s IP address not recorded in outgoing e-mail.
  • CVE-2000-0542
    • Failed authentication attempt not recorded if later attempt succeeds.

CWE-222 – Truncation of Security-relevant Information

Read Time:35 Second


The application truncates the display, recording, or processing of security-relevant information in a way that can obscure the source or nature of an attack.

Modes of Introduction:

– Architecture and Design



Related Weaknesses




Non-Repudiation: Hide Activities

The source of an attack will be difficult or impossible to determine. This can allow attacks to the system to continue without notice.


Potential Mitigations

CVE References

  • CVE-2005-0585
    • Web browser truncates long sub-domains or paths, facilitating phishing.
  • CVE-2004-2032
    • Bypass URL filter via a long URL with a large number of trailing hex-encoded space characters.
  • CVE-2003-0412
    • Does not log complete URI of a long request (truncation).

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