ZDI-24-964: Autodesk AutoCAD STEP File Parsing Memory Corruption Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

Read Time:17 Second

This vulnerability allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary code on affected installations of Autodesk AutoCAD. User interaction is required to exploit this vulnerability in that the target must visit a malicious page or open a malicious file. The ZDI has assigned a CVSS rating of 7.8. The following CVEs are assigned: CVE-2024-23147.

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DSA-5734-1 bind9 – security update

Read Time:23 Second

Several vulnerabilities were discovered in BIND, a DNS server
implementation, which may result in denial of service.

To mitigate CVE-2024-1737 two new configuration statements have been
added to allow operators of secondary servers and recursive resolvers to
set an upper bound on the growth of data in their zones or caches.
Details can be found at:


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Smashing Security podcast #382: CrowdStrike, Dark Wire, and the Paris Olympics

Read Time:22 Second

Computers blue-screen-of-death around the world! The Paris Olympics is at risk of attack! And the FBI pull off the biggest sting operation in history by running a secret end-to-end encrypted messaging app! All this and much much more is discussed in the latest edition of the “Smashing Security” podcast by industry veterans Graham Cluley and … Continue reading “Smashing Security podcast #382: CrowdStrike, Dark Wire, and the Paris Olympics”

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USN-6913-1: phpCAS vulnerability

Read Time:30 Second

Filip Hejsek discovered that phpCAS was using HTTP headers to determine
the service URL used to validate tickets. A remote attacker could
possibly use this issue to gain access to a victim’s account on a
vulnerable CASified service.

This security update introduces an incompatible API change. After applying
this update, third party applications need to be modified to pass in an
additional service base URL argument when constructing the client class.

For more information please refer to the section
“Upgrading 1.5.0 -> 1.6.0” of the phpCAS upgrading document:


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Robot Dog Internet Jammer

Read Time:1 Minute, 2 Second

Supposedly the DHS has these:

The robot, called “NEO,” is a modified version of the “Quadruped Unmanned Ground Vehicle” (Q-UGV) sold to law enforcement by a company called Ghost Robotics. Benjamine Huffman, the director of DHS’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC), told police at the 2024 Border Security Expo in Texas that DHS is increasingly worried about criminals setting “booby traps” with internet of things and smart home devices, and that NEO allows DHS to remotely disable the home networks of a home or building law enforcement is raiding. The Border Security Expo is open only to law enforcement and defense contractors. A transcript of Huffman’s speech was obtained by the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Dave Maass using a Freedom of Information Act request and was shared with 404 Media.

“NEO can enter a potentially dangerous environment to provide video and audio feedback to the officers before entry and allow them to communicate with those in that environment,” Huffman said, according to the transcript. “NEO carries an onboard computer and antenna array that will allow officers the ability to create a ‘denial-of-service’ (DoS) event to disable ‘Internet of Things’ devices that could potentially cause harm while entry is made.”

Slashdot thread.

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Navigating the Minefield: Cybersecurity for Non-Profit Organizations

Read Time:6 Minute, 21 Second

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  LevelBlue does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Cybersecurity threats cast an ominous shadow over organizations across all sectors. While the world often associates these risks with profit-driven businesses, non-profit organizations are equally vulnerable targets.

And the stakes are alarmingly high. Recent data shows that about 6 cyber-attacks happen every 4 minutes and attacks like the 2022 one on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) send shivers across non-profits.

To make things even worse, limited resources and backup resources mean a successful breach could prove catastrophic. Hence, non-profit cybersecurity is a particularly important issue.

Understanding the Cybersecurity Risks for Nonprofits

Non-profit organizations face unique cybersecurity risks that stem from their distinct operational models and resource constraints. They frequently handle sensitive information, including donor and beneficiary details, which makes them attractive targets for cybercriminals.

Another significant factor is the general lack of robust cybersecurity measures within many nonprofit organizations. In fact, data shows that more than 84% of nonprofit organizations don’t have a cybersecurity plan. This makes them a prime target for many malicious players.

Additionally, many nonprofit organizations struggle to allocate sufficient resources to cybersecurity due to limited budgets and competing priorities. Much like the security of small business savings accounts suffers from lower budgets, non-profits are also prone to thinking reactively, instead of taking a proactive stance towards their own cyber fortress.

For example, some non-profits don’t have the resources to invest in identity theft protection, cybersecurity consultancy, and even pen-testing tools to use in-house. Cybercriminals are well aware of this vulnerability and are increasingly targeting nonprofits.

Some charity organizations also often underestimate their risk level, falsely believing they are unlikely targets for cyberattacks. This complacency can lead to a lack of preparedness and awareness, further increasing their vulnerability.

Common Cybersecurity Risks for Nonprofits

There are many types of cyber threats and attacks that affect non-profit organizations. Here are some of the most common:

Data Breaches

Nonprofits are goldmines when it comes to data. A data breach typically occurs when cybercriminals exploit vulnerabilities in an organization’s cybersecurity defenses. This could be through hacking efforts, phishing scams, or even physical access to insecure storage locations.

There have even been cases of scammers presenting themselves as SAP consultants, requiring non-profits to hand over their treasure trove of data and the entire backend along with it.

Once they gain access, attackers can steal data such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, email addresses, and health records. For nonprofits, this could also include detailed donor information and sensitive donation and operational data.

Financial targets are also common targets for malicious actors, as they can often interfere with online transfers during invoice financing-related matters, sending invoices, and even crypto transfers, for more forward-thinking non-profits.

The consequences of these breaches extend beyond the immediate loss of data. If the nonprofit is found not to have adequately protected data under laws like the GDPR or HIPAA, it can be subject to hefty compliance fines.


Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim’s files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. This malicious software typically enters systems through deceptive links in emails or vulnerabilities in software.

Once activated, it locks data using strong encryption algorithms and presents a ransom note demanding payment, usually in cryptocurrency, to provide a decryption key. And even if the situation is resolved, many different types are popping up, making forensic assessments all the more difficult.

Forced Downtimes

While data theft and ransomware attacks are often the primary cybersecurity concerns, forced downtimes can also heavily compromise non-profit organizations. Forced downtime refers to situations where an organization’s systems, websites, or online services are intentionally taken offline or made inaccessible, typically through cyberattacks like Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks.

Though forced downtimes may not seem as malicious as data breaches or theft, they can still have severe consequences for non-profits. They can disrupt your operations and impact your ability to carry out your missions effectively.

Best Practices for Enhancing Cybersecurity for Non-Profit Organizations

The cybersecurity risks facing non-profits are serious, but they can be managed even with limited resources. Here are some of the best practices to get you started:

Implement Basic Cybersecurity Hygiene

Basic cybersecurity hygiene involves simple yet effective practices to protect data. For example, use strong passwords that combine letters, numbers, and symbols and update them regularly. Employ multi-factor authentication (MFA) to add an additional security layer, making it harder for unauthorized users to gain access.

More importantly, ensure that all software, including operating systems and applications, are up to date with the latest security patches to close vulnerabilities. Regularly back up important data to secure locations to prevent loss from cyber incidents.

Likewise, due to the high number of social engineering attacks, more non-profits are open to hiring individuals with psychology degrees, both as external consultants and as orchestrators of educational seminars. In fact, some cyber-security experts sub-specialize in psychologically related matters.

Carry Out Regular Risk Assessments

Start by taking inventory of all the data your organization collects, identifying where it is stored, and understanding who is responsible for it. Assessments should evaluate the potential vulnerabilities and threats to your systems and data.

However, non-profit organizations must also think in a wider manner, pondering the cyber imperviousness of their partners and collaborators. Think about the banks, suppliers and associates that are in possession of sensitive data. Where do they keep that data? Are the servers secure? Do they run regular pen tests?

Incident Response Plan

A good incident response plan can determine the extent of the damage in case of an attack. This plan should clearly outline roles, responsibilities, and specific steps to take in the event of a breach or attack.

It should cover procedures for incident detection, containment, investigation, data recovery, and communication protocols for notifying stakeholders. The plan should also address post-incident activities like system restoration and implementing additional safeguards.

Regularly testing and updating the incident response plan ensures it remains relevant and effective. With a well-designed plan in place, non-profits can respond swiftly and minimize the impact of security incidents.

Adopt Robust Open-Source Cybersecurity Tools

Open-source cybersecurity tools are increasingly recognized for their flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and the collaborative potential they offer to cybersecurity defenses. These tools are vital for organizations, especially those with limited budgets, as they provide a robust alternative to expensive proprietary solutions.

One of the main advantages of using open-source tools in cybersecurity is their transparency, which allows for better auditability and trustworthiness of the software.

Additionally, the collaborative nature of open-source software means that improvements by one entity can benefit all users of the software. This communal benefit is crucial in a landscape where cybersecurity threats are increasingly sophisticated and evolving rapidly.


Cybersecurity is no longer an optional consideration – it’s a critical imperative for organizations across all sectors, including non-profits. Cybercriminals are indiscriminate, and the stakes are simply too high to leave digital defenses to chance.

This article has demonstrated that there are practical and cost-effective strategies for fortifying your cybersecurity posture and protecting your non-profit from online threats.

However, remember that cybersecurity is an ongoing journey, not a destination. So, take one step at a time while focusing on what truly matters: making a positive impact on the world.

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