UK organizations, Ukraine’s allies warned of potential “massive” cyberattacks by Russia

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The head of the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Lindy Cameron has given an update on Russia’s cyber activity amid its war with Ukraine. Her speech at Chatham House today comes just a few days after Ukraine’s military intelligence agency issued a warning that Russia was “preparing massive cyberattacks on the critical infrastructure of Ukraine and its allies.” This coincides with a new Forrester report that reveals the extent to which the cyber impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict has expanded beyond the conflict zone with malware attacks propagating into European entities.

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Addressing Russian cyber activity this year, Cameron stated that, while we have not seen the “cyber-Armageddon” some predicted, there has been a “very significant conflict in cyberspace – probably the most sustained and intensive cyber campaign on record – with the Russian State launching a series of major cyberattacks in support of their illegal invasion in February.”

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