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Beyonce sang “if you like it you better put a ring on it” but the same can be said for our personal information on our mobiles. But rather than a ring, the lyric would be “If you like it, you better put a PIN on it.” A PIN, or Personal Identification Number, is your first defense against thieves or hackers who might want to access your private data from your smartphone or tablet.

As we increasingly depend on our digital devices to store and transfer personal data and use the internet for transactions, we are also becoming increasingly vulnerable to digital attacks on our privacy. Having a PIN on your devices is a simple but effective way to add an extra layer of security. Yet, it is reported that half of iPhone users, for instance, don’t use a lock on their devices. In another study, a nationwide survey by Consumer Reports in 2014 found that 30% of people don’t have a PIN or passcode on their smartphones or tablets. This is concerning because by not securing their devices, they are exposing themselves to potential threats of financial fraud, identity theft, and privacy loss.

The Importance of Protecting Your Private Data

Your device and its private data are invaluable resources for any potential hacker or data thief. Yet, we often do not protect our smartphones or tablets, the sensitive information they contain, or our wallets or home computers. Every day should be Data Privacy Day, a time to stress the importance of taking privacy seriously and review your privacy settings and practices.

→ Dig Deeper: What is Data Privacy and How Can I Safeguard It?

By not protecting your mobile devices, you are potentially opening yourself up to financial fraud, identity theft, and overall invasion of your privacy. The data available on your phone, from personal photos and conversations to banking information and private documents, can be a goldmine for any potential attacker. This is why companies like McAfee are announcing new pushes for personal security, such as the “Crack the Pin” initiative. This encourages people to take simple steps toward preserving their privacy by locking, tracking, and encrypting their devices.

Simple Steps to Protect Your Privacy

From fortifying your online accounts with robust passwords to understanding the intricacies of encryption, and from practicing discretion in sharing personal information to recognizing the red flags of phishing attempts, let’s explore a comprehensive set of strategies and practices to help you navigate the digital world with confidence and protect what matters most—your privacy.

Create Strong, Unique Passwords – It’s essential to emphasize the importance of unique passwords for each online account you have. Using a password manager can help you generate and store complex passwords securely.
Regularly Change Passwords: Encourage the habit of changing passwords periodically, especially for sensitive accounts like email, online banking, and social media. Consider doing this every three to six months.
Secure Your Email – Your email account is a gateway to many of your other online accounts. Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your email to add an extra layer of security.
Review App Permissions and Privacy Settings: Take the time to go through the privacy settings of your apps and social media accounts. Limit the data you share and the permissions you grant to apps.
Be Cautious with Personal Information Sharing: When asked for personal information online or over the phone, ask why it’s needed and how it will be used. Only share what’s necessary and relevant.
Beware of Public Wi-Fi: Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for sensitive transactions or logging into important accounts. If necessary, use a VPN to encrypt your internet connection.
Regular Software Updates: Keep all your devices and software updated with the latest security patches. Cybercriminals often exploit known vulnerabilities.
Stay Informed: Stay informed about current privacy threats and best practices by following reputable tech news sources and cybersecurity blogs. Knowledge is your best defense.

Securing Your Mobile Devices

One way to ensure the privacy of your mobile devices is through the use of mobile security products. McAfee, for example, has products such as McAfee Mobile Security and McAfee LiveSafe that are designed specifically to protect your devices and the personal data stored on them. These products provide a wide range of security features, from data encryption to anti-theft measures and privacy protection. They can scan apps for potential threats, prevent phishing attacks, and allow you to locate, lock, and wipe your devices in case they get lost or stolen.

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Beyond using security products, staying educated on the latest data privacy trends and security measures is also important. This includes keeping your operating system and apps updated, as software updates often contain vital security improvements. Regularly backing up your data is also crucial so that your personal data is not completely lost in the event of a device loss or failure.

The Role of Encryption

Another important aspect of securing your mobile devices is encryption. Encryption is a process that converts your data into an unreadable format that cannot be understood without the correct decryption key. Essentially, even if a hacker or thief manages to access your device, they cannot read your data if it is encrypted. Many smartphones and tablets have encryption options built into the settings, but it’s up to the user to ensure they turn it on and use it correctly.

When it comes to encryption, it’s also crucial to understand the difference between device encryption and app encryption. Device encryption ensures that all data stored on your device is secure, while app encryption secures data within specific apps. While both are important, device encryption is generally considered more comprehensive. However, you should still check the privacy settings in individual apps to ensure your data is protected.

McAfee Pro Tip: When engaging in activities like online banking, shopping, or signing up on a website that requests your personal details, be sure to check for a website address that commences with “https:” rather than just “http:”. This signifies that the site employs encryption for added security. Learn more about encryption here. 

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, securing your mobile devices and their precious personal data should be a top priority. The first step is to put a PIN on your devices and ensure it’s not easily guessable. Other important steps include refraining from sharing your PIN, using security products, staying updated on the latest privacy trends, and employing encryption for comprehensive security. Remember, data privacy is not a one-time event, but a continuous process that requires regular attention and action. So let’s take a page from Beyonce’s book and “put a PIN on it” to keep our private data safe and secure.

The post Put a PIN on It: Securing Your Mobile Devices appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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