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Cybersecurity professionals interested in raising their profiles as subject matter experts can count on social media to become more visible. With everyone being online this may not be enough though. CSO spoke to Forrester analyst Jinan Budge and cybersecurity professionals Katie Moussouris, Troy Hunt, Rachel Tobac, and Christina Morillo about their journeys and their tips for those who want to build their public profile.

Some of these professionals have been known for their work for more than two decades while others may have become more prominent in the last decade. But they have all seen and experienced the good and the bad.

Step 1: Define your cybersecurity area of expertise and what success mean to you

Professionals can use many channels to share their knowledge: blogs, video content, tweets, etc. How a professional decides to share knowledge will vary and it may not work in the first attempt, but one thing is key: Be yourself and discuss a topic you are comfortable with and understand.

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