
  • Ransomware is top cyberattack type, as manufacturing gets hit hardest

    Ransomware and phishing were the top cybersecurity issues for businesses in 2021, according to IBM Security’s annual X-Force Threat Intelligence Index. The report maps the trends and patterns observed by X-Force, IBM’s threat intelligence sharing platform, covering key data points including network and endpoint detection devices, and incident response (IR) engagements. The report, which covers…

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  • Manufacturing was the top industry targeted by ransomware last year, claims report

    Global supply chains are bearing the brunt of ransomware attacks, according to a new IBM report that finds manufacturing was the most targeted industry during 2021. Read more in my article on the Tripwire State of Security blog. Read More

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  • McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report

    We’re excited to bring you the latest edition of the McAfee 2022 Consumer Mobile Threat Report. After all, when you know the challenges you face, it’s easier to be confident online. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at some leading examples of techniques that cybercriminals are using to trick or defraud you via…

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  • A Look Beyond Their Lock Screens: The Mobile Activity of Tweens and Teens

    While our tweens and tweens seem to grow into adults right before our eyes, their mobile usage matures into adulthood as well—and in many ways, we don’t see.  Girls and boys hit their mobile stride right about the same point in life, at age 15 where their mobile usage jumps significantly and reaches a level…

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  • An Elaborate Employment Con in the Internet Age

    The story is an old one, but the tech gives it a bunch of new twists: Gemma Brett, a 27-year-old designer from west London, had only been working at Madbird for two weeks when she spotted something strange. Curious about what her commute would be like when the pandemic was over, she searched for the…

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  • UK Launches Free Cyber Skills Training for Secondary School Pupils

    The Cyber Explorers program aims to educate 30,000 11 to 14-year-olds on a range of cybersecurity concepts to boost the skills pipeline Read More

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  • Protecting patients by securing medical devices and the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)

    This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. It’s an unfortunate truth that healthcare remains a top target of hackers/ransomware. A recent research report from Cynerio found that 53% of connected medical devices have a known critical vulnerability, and a third of bedside healthcare devices – which patients most depend on for optimal health…

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  • US and UK Warn of VPNFilter Successor “Cyclops Blink”

    Russian malware is designed to compromise SOHO devices Read More

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  • Vishing Makes Phishing Campaigns Three-Times More Successful

    However, vulnerability exploitation remained a major threat in 2021 Read More

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  • CISOs, beware of spyware tools for illicit competitive intelligence

    The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) released information surrounding the guilty plea of Mexican businessman Carlos Guerrero and his conspiracy to sell and use hacking tools that were manufactured by companies in Italy, Israel, and elsewhere. Guerrero had a bevy of companies that he stood up for this purpose, with the Tijuana-based Elite de Carga…

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