
  • 5 Prevalent digital marketing Cybersecurity concerns to watch out for

    This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Over the past several years, cyberattacks have become increasingly more prevalent. As such, understanding cybersecurity has become increasingly important.  Digital marketing has now become an entire industry, and as a result, there are more opportunities than before for malicious actors to carry out attacks. Marketers are…

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  • #DSbD: UK Could Face a “Cyber Disaster” on its Current Security Trajectory

    DSbD initiative aims to put more responsibility in the hands of those who build it, creating a culture of secure by default Read More

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  • Car Dealership Employees Begin Legal Case Following Breach

    Law firm says clients have been left in the dark for over six months Read More

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  • Responding to heightened cyberattack risk: Focus on the basics

    A SANS Institute webcast about Russian cyberattack escalations in Ukraine presented a couple of takeaways. The first: Don’t panic. Too often with security issues we think the worse; we may overreact and make the situation worse. Instead, focus on the basics. The second is that we need to pay more attention to network traffic. Take…

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  • Chinese APT41 Group Compromises Six US Government Networks

    Group exploited Log4Shell “within hours,” says Mandiant Read More

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  • Microsoft Fixes 71 Bugs Including Three Zero Days

    None were reported as being exploited in the wild Read More

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  • Internet Backbone Giant Lumen Shuns .RU

    Lumen Technologies, an American company that operates one of the largest Internet backbones and carries a significant percentage of the world’s Internet traffic, said today it will stop routing traffic for organizations based in Russia. Lumen’s decision comes just days after a similar exit by backbone provider Cogent, and amid a news media crackdown in…

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  • 8 Tips for Staying Safe from Ransomware Attacks

    What is Ransomware? Over the past year, you may have seen the term ransomware popping up frequently. There’s good reason for that as ransomware is responsible for 21% of all cyberattacks, according to a new report. For enterprising hackers, this tactic has become standard operating procedure because it’s effective and organizations are willing to pay.…

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  • 8 Tips for Staying Safe from Ransomware Attacks

    What is Ransomware? Over the past year, you may have seen the term ransomware popping up frequently. There’s good reason for that as ransomware is responsible for 21% of all cyberattacks, according to a new report. For enterprising hackers, this tactic has become standard operating procedure because it’s effective and organizations are willing to pay.…

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  • New attack bypasses hardware defenses for Spectre flaw in Intel and ARM CPUs

    The hardware-based mitigations introduced in Intel and ARM CPUs over the past few years to fix a serious flaw called Spectre are not as strong as believed. Researchers have devised a new attack method that can defeat the defenses, but exploitation is not as easy as with the original flaw. The new attack, discovered by…

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