
  • Me on App Store Monopolies and Security

    PRIVACY PRIVACY There are two bills working their way through Congress that would force companies like Apple to allow competitive app stores. Apple hates this, since it would break its monopoly, and it’s making a variety of security arguments to bolster its argument. I have written a rebuttal: I would like to address some of…

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  • Cyber-Attack on Oil Firms

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Cyber-Attack on Oil Firms A cyber-attack has disrupted operations at two oil storage and logistics firms in Germany. Oiltanking GmbH Group and Mabanaft Group said on Tuesday that they had launched an investigation into a cyber-incident on Saturday.  IT systems at both companies were affected, though the full extent of the attack is still…

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  • California Passes FLASH Act

    PRIVACY PRIVACY California Passes FLASH Act The California State Senate has passed legislation to ban the transmission of unsolicited sexually explicit images and videos without the recipient’s consent – a practice called ‘cyber flashing.’ Senate Bill 53, also known as the FLASH (Forbid Lewd Activity and Sexual Harassment) Act, was passed on Monday with bipartisan…

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  • Social Security Numbers Most Targeted Sensitive Data

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Social Security Numbers Most Targeted Sensitive Data Social Security Numbers (SSN) are the type of sensitive data most commonly targeted in data breaches in the United States, according to new research published today by Spirion. Analysis conducted against the Identity Theft Resource Center (ITRC) database of publicly reported data breaches in the United States revealed that…

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  • British Council Students’ Data Exposed in Major Breach

    PRIVACY PRIVACY British Council Students’ Data Exposed in Major Breach Hundreds of thousands of British Council students had their personal and login details exposed in a worrying data breach, according to an investigation by Clario researchers. The team discovered an open Microsoft Azure blob repository indexed by a public search engine that held 144K+ of xmal, json…

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  • What Is IaC and Why Does It Matter to the CISO?

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Many vendors and security companies are buying or building Infrastructure as Code (IaC) security into their portfolios, and this trend is only expected to continue. Here’s what you need to know. Infrastructure as code (IaC) is a relatively new phenomenon that is revolutionizing the way organizations manage their infrastructure. IaC offers many benefits…

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  • UK/US data protection claim highlights ambiguity of GDPR’s geographic scope

    PRIVACY PRIVACY A decision by the UK Court of Appeal to allow a claim for contravention of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to be served against US defendants has raised questions over the territorial limits of the regulations. The case emphasizes the broad geographic applicability of both the EU GDPR and the…

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  • Quantum computing brings new security risks: How to protect yourself

    PRIVACY PRIVACY This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. Although commercial quantum computing may still be decades away, government agencies and industry experts agree that now is the time to prepare your cybersecurity landscape for the future. The power of quantum computing brings security complexities that we are only beginning to understand. Even…

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  • Alpha-Omega Project takes a human-centered approach to open-source software security

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The Log4j vulnerability crisis that erupted in late-2021 heightened the security world’s awareness of supply chain risks in free and universally deployed open-source software. Following an intense holiday season push by admins and cybersecurity professionals to track and remediate the Log4j flaw, the White House held a meeting of industry leaders to discuss…

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  • Data Leak Exposes IDs of Airport Security Workers

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Data Leak Exposes IDs of Airport Security Workers A cloud misconfiguration at a leading security services multinational has exposed the details of countless airport staff across South America, according to a new report. A team at AV comparison site Safety Detectives found an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket wide open without any authentication…

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