
  • #SaferInternetDay: Porn Sites Face Legal Duty to Verify Age of UK Users

    PRIVACY PRIVACY #SaferInternetDay: Porn Sites Face Legal Duty to Verify Age of UK Users Pornographic websites will be legally obliged to introduce robust checks to verify the age of users under new plans published by the UK government. The measure is designed to protect children from accessing pornography from commercial providers. Announced on Safer Internet…

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  • 4 alternatives to encryption backdoors, but no silver bullet

    PRIVACY PRIVACY End-to-end encrypted communication has been a boon to security and privacy over the past 12 years since Apple, Signal, email providers, and other early adopters first started deploying the technology. At the same time, law enforcement authorities around the globe have pushed for technological solutions to pry open the chain of protected end-to-end…

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  • 7 top challenges of security tool integration

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Enterprises are frequently deploying new security tools and services to address needs and threats. A key consideration is how to integrate these various offerings—in many cases provided by different vendors—into the existing infrastructure to support a cohesive security strategy. The move to the cloud has made security integration somewhat easier, but the process…

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  • Microsoft Takes Aim at Malicious Office Macros

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Microsoft Takes Aim at Malicious Office Macros Microsoft has finally taken action against a common threat vector, blocking by default Office macros downloaded from the internet. A vast range of threat actors sent users phishing emails containing innocuous-looking attachments. However, they often contain embedded Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros obtained from the…

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  • A Quarter of New Online Accounts Are Fake – Report

    PRIVACY PRIVACY A Quarter of New Online Accounts Are Fake – Report There was an 85% year-on-year increase in attacks targeting logins or account creation in 2021 as bot-driven fraud attempts soared, according to Arkose Labs. The fraud prevention firm analyzed over 150 billion transaction requests across 254 countries across the 12-month period to compile its latest…

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  • Russia Arrests Third Cybercrime Group

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Russia Arrests Third Cybercrime Group The Russian authorities are claiming to have arrested a third cybercrime group following previous high-profile detentions. The six individuals were detained in different regions of the country and have “special knowledge in the field of international payment systems,” a source told the state-run TASS news agency. They are suspected…

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  • IRS To Ditch Biometric Requirement for Online Access

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) said today it will be transitioning away from requiring biometric data from taxpayers who wish to access their records at the agency’s website. The reversal comes as privacy experts and lawmakers have been pushing the IRS and other federal agencies to find less intrusive methods for validating one’s…

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  • Meta May Quit Europe Over Data Regulations

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Meta May Quit Europe Over Data Regulations Meta has said that it “will likely” stop Facebook and Instagram from operating in Europe unless the company is allowed to transfer, store and process Europeans’ data on servers based in the United States. The possibility of the social media networks being withdrawn from the continent…

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  • News Corp Discloses Cyber-Attack

    PRIVACY PRIVACY News Corp Discloses Cyber-Attack Publishing company News Corp has disclosed that it was the victim of a cyber-attack last month. Threat actors compromised email accounts belonging to journalists and other employees at the company, which Australian-born American media tycoon Rupert Murdoch owes.  In an email sent to staff members on Friday and viewed…

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  • Washington Warns of POLARIS Breach

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Washington Warns of POLARIS Breach The Washington State Department of Licensing (DOL) has shuttered its Professional Online Licensing and Regulatory Information System (POLARIS) after detecting suspicious activity.  POLARIS stores information about license holders and applicants. The type of information varies for different licenses and may include Social Security numbers, dates of birth, driver…

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