
  • Avast Merger Raises Competition Concerns

    PRIVACY PRIVACY UK government finds NortonLifeLock purchase of Avast could reduce competition Read More

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  • Breaking RSA through Insufficiently Random Primes

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Basically, the SafeZone library doesn’t sufficiently randomize the two prime numbers it used to generate RSA keys. They’re too close to each other, which makes them vulnerable to recovery. There aren’t many weak keys out there, but there are some: So far, Böck has identified only a handful of keys in the wild…

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  • New ransomware LokiLocker bundles destructive wiping component

    PRIVACY PRIVACY A new ransomware operation dubbed LokiLocker has slowly been gaining traction since August among cybercriminals, researchers warn. The malicious program uses a relatively rare code obfuscation technique and includes a file wiper component that attackers could use against non-compliant victims. “​​LokiLocker is a relatively new ransomware family targeting English-speaking victims and Windows PCs.…

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  • Cloudflare unveils email security tools, free WAF ruleset, and API gateway

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Cloudflare is bolstering its suite of web infrastructure and security offerings with a free WAF (web application firewall) managed ruleset service, a new API management gateway, and — once it closes its recently announced acquisition of Area 1 Security — a set of email tools designed to thwart phishing and malware attacks. Cloudflare…

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  • Identity Protection Service: The Best Solution to a Growing Problem

    PRIVACY PRIVACY I’m about to tell you an extraordinary fact about cybercrime. Some of the most significant data breaches in internet history weren’t after bank account numbers, cryptocurrency, or even credit card numbers. They were, in fact, after YOU. That’s right, the most valuable data on the internet is the data that comprises your identity.…

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  • Germany’s BSI warns against Kaspersky AV over spying concerns

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) has warned businesses against using Kaspersky virus protection products amid concerns of Russian technology being coerced by Russian government agents and forced to attack target systems against its will or spied on. The BSI did not raise any concrete allegations against Kaspersky products but recommended replacing…

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  • Thousands of Mobile Apps Expose User Data Via Cloud Misconfigurations

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Check Point study urges developers to follow best practices Read More

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  • CISA: Fix MFA and Patch Promptly to Stop Russian Attackers

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Alert explains how misconfigured authentication allowed hackers in Read More

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  • Kaspersky Hits Back at “Politically Motivated” BSI Advisory

    PRIVACY PRIVACY German authorities had urged firms to replace the Russian vendor’s products Read More

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  • Preparing Microsoft cloud networks for regional disruptions

    PRIVACY PRIVACY We live in an always-on world of 24/7 websites, servers, help desks and internet connectivity—that is, until it’s not connected. The Ukrainian crisis shows that IT and security admins of Microsoft environments need to be aware of geographic and other risks they might not have considered yet. As we move servers to the…

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