
  • London DJ Surrenders £214,000 of Music Kit in Money Laundering Case

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Nightclub owner’s equipment linked to infamous QQAAZZ group Read More

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  • Four Russians Charged with Dragonfly Attacks on Critical Infrastructure

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Six-year campaign targeted thousands of machines in global energy sector Read More

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  • UK Teen Arrested in Lapsus Crackdown

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Seven youngsters held in coordinated police operation Read More

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  • VMware’s Karen Worstell: This isn’t a black swan world anymore

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Karen F. Worstell offers a grim assessment: Security teams, and by extension the organizations they serve, are now “living in a zero-day world.” “That’s our new reality, and we have to operate on the assumption of breach,” she says. [ Learn 7 tips for better CISO-CFO relationships and 5 key qualities of successful CISOs.…

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  • Mitek Acquires HooYu for $129m

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Pioneering British KYC tech company acquired by American ID verification firm Read More

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  • Smart Tips for Staying Safer Online

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The recent WannaCry ransomware attack that infected more than 250,000 computers worldwide was a good reminder to everyone about staying vigilant when it comes to internet safety. After all, many of us stay connected most of the time, whether it’s on our laptops or mobile devices, giving cybercriminals a wide range of opportunities…

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  • What is Spyware?

    PRIVACY PRIVACY No one likes the feeling that someone is looking over their shoulder when they work, shop or surf online. But this is just what crooks and scammers do without our knowledge using “spyware.” Spyware is a piece of software that can covertly gather information on you. It can track the websites you visit…

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  • Microsoft help files repurposed to contain Vidar malware in new campaign

    PRIVACY PRIVACY A new email campaign designed to spread the Vidar spyware package uses a novel technique involving Microsoft Compiled HTML help files, according to a blog post released today by Trustwave. The help files, which use the suffix “CHM,” are packaged in an ISO along with the Vidar payload in what appears to be…

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  • Indian Police Bust Online Helicopter Scam

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Arrests made over fake websites selling forged helicopter ride tickets to pilgrims Read More

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  • US Indicts Russian Over “Carding Shop”

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Russian allegedly operated darknet store, selling stolen PII, credentials and authentication tools Read More

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