
  • What Is Incognito Mode and How Safe Is It?

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The internet makes it easy to get a lot done, but not all of it needs to be public. That’s where incognito mode comes in, letting you hide your search history from others who are using your internet-connected device. For example, imagine searching online for “ideas for a surprise birthday party.” You wouldn’t…

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  • Why Paper Receipts are Money at the Drive-Thru

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Check out this handmade sign posted to the front door of a shuttered Jimmy John’s sandwich chain shop in Missouri last week. See if you can tell from the store owner’s message what happened. If you guessed that someone in the Jimmy John’s store might have fallen victim to a Business Email Compromise…

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  • Google Chrome Extensions Could Be Used to Track Users Online

    PRIVACY PRIVACY New website can check for installed Chrome extensions and generate a fingerprint of a visiting user Read More

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  • Former Amazon Worker Convicted of Capital One Data Breach

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The software engineer intended to mine the stolen data and install cryptocurrency miners on some AWS servers Read More

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  • BRATA Android Malware Group Now Classified As Advanced Persistent Threat

    PRIVACY PRIVACY BRATA now targeting a specific financial institution at a time Read More

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  • Top 10 Malware May 2022

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The MS-ISAC shares that its top 10 malware lineup for May 2022 remained consistent with the exception of Jupyter’s return. Read More

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  • Identifying XML External Entity: How Web Application Scanning Can Help

    PRIVACY PRIVACY XML External Entity (XXE) flaws present unique mitigation challenges and remain a common attack path. Learn how XXE flaws arise, why some common attack paths are so challenging to mitigate and how Web Application Scanning can help. Modern applications have more and more tendencies to process data from user-supplied inputs, directly or…

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  • How to get Fortune 500 cybersecurity without the hefty price tag

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Graham Cluley Security News is sponsored this week by the folks at SolCyber. Thanks to the great team there for their support! If the bad guys aren’t discriminating who they are attacking, how can your business settle for anything less than Fortune 500 level security? SolCyber has brought to market a new way…

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  • Governance Gap Raises AI Security Concerns

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Cyber now seen as most important component for adoption Read More

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  • Hartzbleed: A New Side-Channel Attack

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Hartzbleed is a new side-channel attack that works against a variety of microprocressors. Deducing cryptographic keys by analyzing power consumption has long been an attack, but it’s not generally viable because measuring power consumption is often hard. This new attack measures power consumption by measuring time, making it easier to exploit. The team…

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