
  • Apple’s Lockdown Mode

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Apple has introduced lockdown mode for high-risk users who are concerned about nation-state attacks. It trades reduced functionality for increased security in a very interesting way. Read More

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  • Aon Hack Exposed Sensitive Information of 146,000 Customers

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Hackers breached Aon systems for well over a year Read More

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  • Lawyers Urged to Stop Advising Clients to Pay Ransomware Demands

    PRIVACY PRIVACY An open letter from the NCSC and ICO asks lawyers to do more to stop the scourge of ransomware Read More

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  • How Web3 and IAM are changing the way we use the Internet

    PRIVACY PRIVACY This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. IAM (identity access management) involves numerous IT practices to enforce identity authentication and verification. But Web3 could change how we use the internet by simplifying data protection and IAM procedures.  Two factors contribute to the need for authentication practices that are both fast and…

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  • Chinese Cyber Espionage Groups Increasingly Targeting Russia

    PRIVACY PRIVACY A new investigation finds that a Chinese APT group is targeting Russian organizations with RAT backdoors Read More

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  • Wiz offers CVE-like cloud vulnerability registry, but will it gain traction?

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Cloud security company Wiz recently announced a community-based website,, that provides a centralized cloud vulnerabilities database for public access. While the database fills gaps left by MITRE’s CVE vulnerability system and the current shared-responsibility model for cloud security issues, it will require additional, widespread industry support in order to be successful, according…

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  • Apple Announces ‘Lockdown Mode’ to Protect Journalists, Human Rights Workers From Spyware

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Turning on Lockdown Mode will harden device defenses and strictly limit certain functionalities Read More

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  • Ubiquitous Surveillance by ICE

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Report by Georgetown’s Center on Privacy and Technology published a comprehensive report on the surprising amount of mass surveillance conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Our two-year investigation, including hundreds of Freedom of Information Act requests and a comprehensive review of ICE’s contracting and procurement records, reveals that ICE now operates as…

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  • Breaking Down the BlackCat Ransomware Operation

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The MS-ISAC has recently seen several BlackCat ransomware attacks targeting SLTT-affiliated organizations. Here’s how you can defend yourself going forward. Read More

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  • Splashtop teams with Acronis for remote security support

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Acronis and Splashtop announced a partnership Wednesday that promises to make troubleshooting security problems on endpoints easier. Under the deal, the pair will integrate Splashtop’s secure remote access software with Acronis’s Cyber Protect Cloud, a backup and cybersecurity platform. Through Splashtop, technicians can take control of computers and resolve issues without leaving the…

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