
  • How to reduce your exposure & secure your data in the cloud in 5 quick ways

    PRIVACY PRIVACY This blog was written by an independent guest blogger. More companies are switching from on-premises systems to public cloud services, ensuring long-term growth and digital resilience. But as their implementations grow, they begin to realize that their exposure to cyberattacks and other risks grows as well.  Cybersecurity is an essential practice for successful…

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  • Suspected $3m Romance Scammer Extradited to Japan

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Interpol warns of growing role of money mules Read More

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  • How a Venezuelan disinformation campaign swayed voters in Colombia

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Ever since the Kremlin’s troll farm, the Internet Research Agency, targeted the American electorate during the 2016 U.S. presidential election with social media disinformation campaigns, nation-states across the globe have jumped into their own weaponized information campaigns to influence elections. In 2019, the U.S. State Department issued a report addressing the rise of…

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  • Black Basta: New ransomware threat aiming for the big league

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Many ransomware gangs have risen to the top over the years only to suddenly disband and be replaced by others. Security researchers believe many of these movements in the ransomware space are intentional rebranding efforts to throw off law enforcement when the heat gets too high. This is also the suspicion for Black…

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  • 37 hardware and firmware vulnerabilities: A guide to the threats

    PRIVACY PRIVACY In January 2018, the entire computer industry was put on alert by two new processor vulnerabilities dubbed Meltdown and Spectre that defeated the fundamental OS security boundaries separating kernel and user space memory. The flaws stemmed from a performance feature of modern CPUs known as speculative execution and mitigating them required one of…

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  • Sensitive data in the cloud gets new automated remediation tool from BigID

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Data intelligence company BigID announced this week at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas that it has rolled out new features for its privacy and data protection platform, allowing users to programmatically restrict access to sensitive cloud-based information when it’s under threat. BigID’s core product, its Data Intelligence platform, already boasts numerous…

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  • DeathStalker’s VileRAT Continues to Target Foreign and Crypto Exchanges

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The campaign is not only ongoing, the threat actors increased its efforts to compromise targets using VileRAT Read More

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  • Cyber-criminals Shift From Macros to Shortcut Files to Hack Business PCs, HP Report

    PRIVACY PRIVACY The report shows an 11% rise in archive files containing malware, including LNK files Read More

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  • The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases

    PRIVACY PRIVACY One way to tame your email inbox is to get in the habit of using unique email aliases when signing up for new accounts online. Adding a “+” character after the username portion of your email address — followed by a notation specific to the site you’re signing up at — lets you…

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  • Microsoft urges Windows users to run patch for DogWalk zero-day exploit

    PRIVACY PRIVACY Despite previously claiming the DogWalk vulnerability did not constitute a security issue, Microsoft has now released a patch to stop attackers from actively exploiting the vulnerability. Read More

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