Social media companies will be legally obliged to provide UK users with greater control of what they see and who can interact with them on their platforms
Category Archives: News
Ukraine calls for volunteer hackers to protect its critical infrastructure and spy on Russian forces
The government of Ukraine is calling on the hacking community to volunteer its expertise and capabilities, following the invasion of the country by Russian forces.
Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.
Anonymous Hacking Group Declares “Cyber War” Against Russia
The hactivist group claimed responsibility for taking down several Russian state websites
Privacy Violating COVID Tests
A good lesson in reading the fine print:
Cignpost Diagnostics, which trades as ExpressTest and offers £35 tests for holidaymakers, said it holds the right to analyse samples from seals to “learn more about human health” — and sell information on to third parties.
Individuals are required to give informed consent for their sensitive medical data to be used but customers’ consent for their DNA to be sold now as buried in Cignpost’s online documents.
Of course, no one ever reads the fine print.
Massive Ransomware Attack Could Cost Irish Health Exec €100m
Zenly Bugs Exposed Users to Data Loss and Account Takeover
Biden Mulls “Massive” Cyber Strikes on Russia – Report
Unnamed intelligence officials say President Biden is considering unprecedented action
TrickBot operators slowly abandon the botnet and replace it with Emotet
TrickBot, once one of the most active botnets on the internet and a primary delivery vehicle for ransomware, is no longer making new victims. However, there are signs its operators are transitioning the already infected computers to other botnets, including Emotet.
“Our team assesses with high confidence that Trickbot operators are working closely with the operators of Emotet,” researchers from security firm Intel 471 said in a new report. “There is clear evidence of this relationship, for example, the resurrection of Emotet began with Trickbot.”
Government Advisories Warn of APT Activity Resulting from Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Government agencies publish warnings and guidance for organizations to defend themselves against advanced persistent threat groups.
As governments around the world call for heightened cyber vigilance, the reality of our digital world comes into stark relief: there are no boundaries when it comes to the potential damage that can be inflicted as a result of nation-state conflicts. The tactical information shared in this blog is designed to help you prepare your digital response to these rapidly unfolding events.
Jen Easterly, director of the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), recently tweeted that, despite no specific credible threats against organizations in the United States by Russian state-sponsored activity, these advanced persistent threat (APT) groups have historically targeted organizations through a variety of means, including exploiting vulnerabilities in perimeter devices and utilizing Active Directory (AD) for lateral movement. CISA has called for every organization to “adopt a heighted posture of vigilance.”
🛡ALL organizations must adopt a heightened posture of vigilance. The time to act is NOW. We’re urging all orgs to put #ShieldsUp to:
– Reduce the likelihood of a cyber intrusion
– Quickly detect a potential intrusion
– Ensure you’re prepared to respond
– Maximize resilience 3/4
— Jen Easterly (@CISAJen) February 12, 2022
CISA announced Shields Up, an initiative to empower organizations and provide guidance on how to limit the exposure to common attack paths leveraged by these APT groups.
In recent months, CISA has also issued joint advisories regarding specific vulnerabilities targeted by these APT groups and the steps organizations can take to mitigate their risks of exploitation. Both the U.K. National Cyber Security Centre and Australia Cyber Security Centre have released advisories on this subject as well.
In January, CISA, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and National Security Agency (NSA) issued a joint cybersecurity alert regarding “Russian Cyber Threats to U.S. Critical Infrastructure.” This alert focuses on observed behavior from Russian state-sponsored threat groups targeting critical infrastructure organizations in several countries. The alert highlights the following sectors as key targets for the APT groups: defense industrial base, healthcare and public health, energy, telecommunications and government facilities.
According to the advisory, the following vulnerabilities have been used in these attacks to gain initial access:
Fortinet FortiGate SSL VPN Path Traversal Vulnerability
Cisco Small Business Routers Information Disclosure
Oracle Weblogic Server Deserialization Vulnerability
Kibana Arbitrary Code Execution
Zimbra Software XML External Entity Injection Vulnerability
Exim Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Remote Code Execution
Pulse Connect Secure Arbitrary File Read
Citrix ADC And Gateway Directory Traversal Vulnerability
Microsoft Exchange Server Validation Key Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
VMware Workspace One Command Injection
F5 BIG-IP Remote Code Execution
Oracle WebLogic Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution
Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution
*Please note: Tenable’s Vulnerability Priority Rating (VPR) scores are calculated nightly. This blog post was published on February 24 and reflects VPR at that time.
On February 16, CISA published a joint cybersecurity advisory along with the FBI, NSA regarding the “regular targeting” of United States cleared defense contractors (CDCs). According to the advisory, the attacks originate from state-sponsored threat actors in Russia. The targets of the attacks include both large and small CDCs, as well as subcontractors. These CDCs are being targeted because of existing contracts they hold with the United States Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community.
The targeting activity spans from January 2020 through February 2022. The advisory says that the attackers have “maintained persistent access to multiple CDC networks” with the longest being for “at least six months.” They’ve used this access to exfiltrate both emails and data from these organizations.
Outside of the use of standard techniques (brute force, spear phishing emails), the threat actors have paired harvested credentials with known vulnerabilities to target public-facing applications including VPNs.
The following are a list of CVEs the threat actor has reportedly used:
Microsoft Exchange Server Validation Key Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Microsoft Exchange Server Remote Code Execution Vulnerability
Fortinet FortiGate SSL VPN Path Traversal Vulnerability
However, even if CDCs do patch known vulnerabilities within their networks, the threat actors will “alter their tradecraft” in an effort to regain access through “new means.” This is why these government agencies stress that CDCs “maintain constant vigilance for software vulnerabilities and out-of-date security configurations, especially in internet-facing systems.”
In October 2020, CISA published an alert around Russian state-sponsored activity targeting the U.S. Government. In it, several of the vulnerabilities listed above are referenced. However, they also highlight CVE-2020-1472, dubbed “Zerologon,” a critical vulnerability in Microsoft’s Netlogon Protocol that is used as a post-exploitation vulnerability. Zerologon is a popular vulnerability among threat actors and ransomware groups, who often pair it with several of the initial access vulnerabilities in this blog post including several SSL-VPN vulnerabilities.
Microsoft Netlogon Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
Defending Active Directory
For attackers, Active Directory is the holy grail for disrupting business operations, exfiltrating sensitive information and deploying malware across a network. Recognizing the importance of Active Directory, it is imperative that organizations are adequately prepared to defend against common techniques leveraged by these APT groups.
Once inside a network, these threat actors will map the environment’s AD in order to connect to domain controllers (DCs). The goal is to exfiltrate credentials from the network and export the ntds.dit AD database file. The threat actors have also been observed using the Mimikatz hacktool in order to “dump admin credentials” from DCs.
Securing users, groups, and computers that require privileges within AD should be a high priority. For example, privileged accounts that have certain attributes configured are susceptible to Kerberoasting, which can lead to impersonation or even Golden Ticket Attack.
Attackers are using these tactics to obtain domain level privileges within AD. Once they have domain level privileges, they will use Group Policy to distribute malware and ransomware. For instance, Ryuk ransomware is known for these tactics and they have also been leveraged recently by wiper malware.
Many of the vulnerabilities listed in these alerts are more than a year old and all have patches available. Organizations are strongly urged to find and patch any endpoints that are still vulnerable. In addition to listing vulnerabilities being targeted, the advisories include recommendations for preparing to defend against cyberattacks.
Organizations should also ensure that all passwords within AD are changed often and follow secure complexity and length suggestions to protect against password spray and password brute force attacks.
Identifying affected systems
A list of Tenable plugins to identify thesevulnerabilities can be found here.
A scan template and dashboard identifying the vulnerabilities listed in this blog post for Nessus, and are in development. We will update this blog post once they are available.
Although nations and organizations are being targeted, history has taught us that the digital impact is likely to be far-reaching. But this speculation shouldn’t detract from the obvious: there are steps you can take to protect yourself. Tenable is committed to doing our utmost to help organizations guard themselves in a world where we must acknowledge that digital threats will be a significant part of any conflict scenario.
Get more information
CISA Advisory: Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Actors Target Cleared Defense Contractor Networks to Obtain Sensitive U.S. Defense Information and Technology
CISA Advisory: Understanding and Mitigating Russian State-Sponsored Cyber Threats to U.S. Critical Infrastructure
Blog Post: Government Agencies Warn of State-Sponsored Actors Exploiting Publicly Known Vulnerabilities
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Ransomware is top attack vector on critical infrastructure
Ransomware was the number one attack vector on critical infrastructure in 2021, according to a report by Dragos, a leading company in industrial cybersecurity. Nearly two-thirds of those attacks (65%), were aimed at the manufacturing sector, the company revealed in its annual review of cyber threats facing industrial organizations released Wednesday.
“You can combine all the other sectors together and not get to where manufacturing is getting hit,” Dragos CEO Robert M. Lee said at an information session held prior to the report’s release.