The software does not restrict or incorrectly restricts operations within the boundaries of a resource that is accessed using an index or pointer, such as memory or files.
The code uses a data representation that relies on low-level
data representation or constructs that may vary across different processors,
physical machines, OSes, or other physical components.
The product relies on third-party components that are not
actively supported or maintained by the original developer or a trusted proxy
for the original developer.
The product or code uses machine-dependent functionality, but
it does not sufficiently encapsulate or isolate this functionality from
the rest of the code.
The source code uses symbolic constants, but it does not
sufficiently place the definitions of these constants into a more centralized or
isolated location.
The code is structured in a way that relies too much on using
or setting global variables throughout various points in the code, instead of
preserving the associated information in a narrower, more local
The code contains a callable, block, or other code element in
which the same variable is used to control more than one unique task or store
more than one instance of data.