Packages in this update:
Update description:
New in release OpenJDK 19.0.1 (2022-10-18)
CVEs Fixed
Security Fixes
JDK-8282252: Improve BigInteger/Decimal validation
JDK-8285662: Better permission resolution
JDK-8286077: Wider MultiByte conversions
JDK-8286511: Improve macro allocation
JDK-8286519: Better memory handling
JDK-8286526: Improve NTLM support
JDK-8286910: Improve JNDI lookups
JDK-8286918: Better HttpServer service
JDK-8287446: Enhance icon presentations
JDK-8288508: Enhance ECDSA usage
JDK-8289366: Improve HTTP/2 client usage
JDK-8289853: Update HarfBuzz to 4.4.1
JDK-8290334: Update FreeType to 2.12.1
Major Changes
JDK-8292654: G1 Remembered set memory footprint regression after JDK-8286115
JDK-8286115 changed ergonomic sizing of a component of the remembered sets in G1. This change causes increased native memory usage of the Hotspot VM for applications that create large remembered sets with the G1 collector.
In an internal benchmark total GC component native memory usage rose by almost 10% (from 1.2GB to 1.3GB).
This issue can be worked around by passing double the value of G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries as printed by running the application with -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions to your application.
E.g. pass -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries=128 if a previous run showed a value of 64 for G1RemSetArrayOfCardsEntries in the output of -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal.
JDK-8292579: Update Timezone Data to 2022c
This version includes changes from 2022b that merged multiple regions that have the same timestamp data post-1970 into a single time zone database. All time zone IDs remain the same but the merged time zones will point to a shared zone database.
As a result, pre-1970 data may not be compatible with earlier JDK versions. The affected zones are Antarctica/Vostok, Asia/Brunei, Asia/Kuala_Lumpur, Atlantic/Reykjavik, Europe/Amsterdam, Europe/Copenhagen, Europe/Luxembourg, Europe/Monaco, Europe/Oslo, Europe/Stockholm, Indian/Christmas, Indian/Cocos, Indian/Kerguelen, Indian/Mahe, Indian/Reunion, Pacific/Chuuk, Pacific/Funafuti, Pacific/Majuro, Pacific/Pohnpei, Pacific/Wake, Pacific/Wallis, Arctic/Longyearbyen, Atlantic/Jan_Mayen, Iceland, Pacific/Ponape, Pacific/Truk, and Pacific/Yap.
For more details, refer to the announcement of 2022b