USN-7015-1: Python vulnerabilities

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It was discovered that the Python email module incorrectly parsed email
addresses that contain special characters. A remote attacker could possibly
use this issue to bypass certain protection mechanisms. (CVE-2023-27043)

It was discovered that Python allowed excessive backtracking while parsing
certain tarfile headers. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to
cause Python to consume resources, leading to a denial of service.

It was discovered that the Python email module incorrectly quoted newlines
for email headers. A remote attacker could possibly use this issue to
perform header injection. (CVE-2024-6923)

It was discovered that the Python http.cookies module incorrectly handled
parsing cookies that contained backslashes for quoted characters. A remote
attacker could possibly use this issue to cause Python to consume
resources, leading to a denial of service. (CVE-2024-7592)

It was discovered that the Python zipfile module incorrectly handled
certain malformed zip files. A remote attacker could possibly use this
issue to cause Python to stop responding, resulting in a denial of service.

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