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Takeshi Kaneko discovered that Go did not properly handle comments and
special tags in the script context of html/template module. An attacker
could possibly use this issue to inject Javascript code and perform a cross
site scripting attack. This issue only affected Go 1.20 in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS,
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Ubuntu 23.04. (CVE-2023-39318, CVE-2023-39319)

It was discovered that Go did not properly validate the “//go:cgo_”
directives during compilation. An attacker could possibly use this issue to
inject arbitrary code during compile time. (CVE-2023-39323)

It was discovered that Go did not limit the number of simultaneously
executing handler goroutines in the net/http module. An attacker could
possibly use this issue to cause a panic resulting into a denial of service.
(CVE-2023-39325, CVE-2023-44487)

It was discovered that the Go net/http module did not properly validate the
chunk extensions reading from a request or response body. An attacker could
possibly use this issue to read sensitive information. (CVE-2023-39326)

It was discovered that Go did not properly validate the insecure “git://”
protocol when using go get to fetch a module with the “.git” suffix. An
attacker could possibly use this issue to bypass secure protocol checks.

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