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Celebrities Are Lures For Scammers

Read Time:5 Minute, 45 Second

In the age of digital data and Internet access, the potential for scams is more significant than ever. These scams often involve leveraging popular search queries to trap unsuspecting netizens into their malicious schemes. Among the top searches in the online world, celebrities hold a prime spot. Through this guide, we aim to shed light on how scammers take advantage of the global fascination with celebrities to target their potential victims.

As digital users, most of us are likely well-acquainted with the phrase “Just Google it.” The search engine has become a go-to source for any information ranging from essential daily needs to entertainment gossip. But it’s crucial to remember that while you’re in pursuit of data, scammers are in search of their next victim.

Celebrity Bait: The Evolution of Modern Scams

Scammers have significantly evolved with the advancement of technology. They’ve mastered the art of creating fake or infected websites that can harm your computer systems, extract your financial information, or even steal your identity. Their strategies often include luring victims through popular searches, such as the latest Twitter trends, breaking news stories, major world events, downloads, or even celebrity images and gossip. The higher the popularity of the search, the greater the risk of encountering harmful results.

McAfee has conducted research for six consecutive years on popular celebrities to reveal which ones are riskiest to search for online. For instance, Emma Watson outplaced Heidi Klum as the most dangerous celebrity to look up online. Interestingly, it was the first year that the top 10 list comprised solely of women. Cybercriminals commonly exploit the names of such popular celebrities to lead users to websites loaded with malicious software, consequently turning an innocent search for videos or pictures into a malware-infected nightmare.

→ Dig Deeper: Emma Watson Video Scam: Hackers Use Celeb’s Popularity to Unleash Viruses 

The Lure of “Free”

Scammers are well aware of the allure the word “free” holds for most Internet users. They cleverly exploit this to get your attention and draw you into their traps. For instance, when you search for “Beyonce” or “Taylor Swift” followed by prompts like “free downloads”, “Beyonce concert photos”, or “Taylor Swift leaked songs”, you expose yourself to potential online threats aiming to steal your personal information. It’s always prudent to maintain a healthy level of skepticism when encountering offers that seem too good to be true, especially those labeled as “free.”

While the internet can be a dangerous playground, it doesn’t mean that you cannot protect yourself effectively. Using common sense, double-checking URLs, utilizing safe search plugins, and having comprehensive security software are some strategies to help ensure your online safety. This guide aims to provide you with insights and tools to navigate the online world without falling prey to its many hidden dangers.

Practical Tips To Guard Against Celebrity Scams

Truth be told, the responsibility for online safety lies primarily with the user. Just as you would not walk into any shady-looking place in real life, it requires a similar instinct to avoid shady sites while browsing online. One important piece of advice – if something appears too good to be true, in all probability, it is. So, take note of these practical tips to help you guard against celebrity scams and other online threats:

Exercise Skepticism: The first line of defense against online scams is skepticism. If something seems too good to be true, chances are it probably is. Be highly cautious when encountering online content that promises unbelievable giveaways, jaw-dropping discounts, or exclusive access to celebrities. Scammers often use these enticing offers to lure unsuspecting victims.
Inspect Web Addresses: Take a careful look at the web address you are directed to. For instance, if you are searching for but are taken to “,” be alert. This could be a phishing site looking to steal your information.

→ Dig Deeper: How to Tell Whether a Website Is Safe or Unsafe

Install Safe Search Plugins: To bolster your online safety, consider installing safe search plugins such as McAfee Web Advisor software. These plugins integrate with your web browser and provide real-time safety ratings for websites that appear in your search results. They act as a virtual safety net, warning you about potentially harmful or deceptive sites before you click on them.

Verify Celebrity Accounts: When interacting with celebrity content or profiles on social media platforms, take a moment to verify their authenticity. Look for verified badges or check marks that indicate the account is genuine. Celebrities often have official accounts that are authenticated by the platform.

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about common online scams and tactics used by cybercriminals. Knowledge is a powerful defense. Familiarize yourself with the latest scams and phishing techniques to recognize and avoid potential threats.

Regularly Update Software: Keep your operating system, web browsers, and security software up to date. Software updates often contain important security patches that protect against known vulnerabilities

→ Dig Deeper: The Big Reason Why You Should Update Your Browser (and How to Do It)

Why Comprehensive Security Software is Essential

Having comprehensive security software installed on your devices is another crucial step towards preventing scams. Good antivirus software can protect against the latest threats, alert you about unsafe websites, and even detect phishing attempts. Furthermore, always keep your security software and all other software updated. Cybercriminals are known to exploit vulnerabilities in outdated software to infiltrate your devices and steal your data.

Apart from ensuring you have security software, be cautious about what you download on your devices. Trojans, viruses, and malware are often hidden in downloadable files, especially in sites that offer ‘free’ content. Cybercriminals tempting users to download infected files often use popular celebrity names. Therefore, download wisely and from reputed sources.

McAfee Pro Tip: Before committing to a comprehensive security plan, it’s crucial to evaluate your security protection and analyze your requirements. This proactive stance forms the bedrock for crafting strong cybersecurity measures that cater precisely to your unique needs and potential vulnerabilities. For more information about our acclaimed security solutions, explore our range of products

Final Thoughts

In the digital world, where information and entertainment are available at our fingertips, it’s crucial to remain vigilant against scams, especially those involving celebrities. By exercising prudent online practices like scrutinizing URLs, using safe search plugins, and installing comprehensive security software, we can significantly reduce our risk of falling prey to these scams.

It’s imperative to understand that the popularity of a search term or trend is directly proportional to the risk it carries. So next time, before you search for your favorite celebrity, remember, the more famous the celebrity, the greater the risk. Together with McAfee, let’s promote safer browsing practices and contribute to a safer online community for all.

The post Celebrities Are Lures For Scammers appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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If You Give A Hacker Your Email Address…

Read Time:8 Minute, 3 Second

If You Give A Hacker Your Email Address

Most of us believe hacking to be an event that happens to ‘the other person,’ often refusing to accept that it could very much be a reality for us as well. While hacking and social engineering might seem like concepts only prevalent in big-screen thrillers, the truth is they occur more frequently than we’d like to admit. Your email address, innocuous as it may seem, is often one of the gateways into your digital persona. This article aims to shed light on the potential dangers and impacts of giving away your email address to the wrong people.

To offer a real-life perspective, we’ll follow a conversation with an ethical hacker called ‘Oz.’ Ethical hackers, or ‘white hat’ hackers, are those who use their hacking skills to uncover security vulnerabilities and help implement protective measures against other malevolent hackers, known as ‘black hat’ hackers. Despite Oz’s assurance that he belongs to the white hat category, the following discourse will reveal how much information a hacker can come across based solely on your email address.

→ Dig Deeper: Are All Hackers Bad?

Communication with Oz: An Eye-Opener

Initiating communication with Oz took a toll on my nerves, considering the potential threat to my data privacy. For communication, Oz suggested using an email address, prompting me to create a separate email account solely for our conversations. Once the lines of communication were established, I posed my first question: “Suppose we met at a coffee shop, exchanged pleasantries, and all I left you with was my email address. What kind of information could you gather about me?”

An hour later, Oz responded with my work and home phone numbers, home address, birth date, and year. But the real shocker was a casual remark about my meeting with Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, followed by a link to a picture I had no memory of sharing publicly. On clicking the link, I received another email from Oz, stating that he had discovered my preferred internet browser, my operating system, and my IP address, essentially knowing my geographical coordinates. At this point, it became crystal clear just how much information a hacker can unearth based on an email address alone. 

The Importance of Online Safety

The experience with Oz was a stark reminder of the importance of online safety. We often let our guards down, readily providing information and clicking on links without giving it a second thought. However, this is exactly the kind of behavior that hackers rely on for their activities. It is crucial to remember that the internet is a public space, and every piece of information we share can potentially be accessed and misused by malicious parties.

In the next sections of this guide, we’ll delve deeper into the mechanisms hackers use to derive information from an email and the measures you can take to secure your digital identity. The aim is to provide you with practical steps to ensure your online safety and maintain your privacy in the digital world.

The Mechanism Behind The Hacks

When you give out your email address to a hacker, they have a significant amount of information at their fingertips. Understanding the mechanisms that hackers employ to exploit your online presence is essential to appreciate the gravity of the online safety challenge. When a hacker gains access to your email address, they effectively open the door to a wealth of information about you. Let’s find out how this works:

Reverse Email Lookup: The first step for a hacker after acquiring your email address is often to perform a ‘reverse email lookup.’ This process involves using your email address to trace any associated social media accounts. Many individuals use the same email address for various online platforms, making it relatively easy for hackers to link your digital footprint across different sites. Once they’ve identified your social media profiles, they can glean valuable insights into your personal life, interests, and potentially even more sensitive information you’ve chosen to share publicly on these platforms.
Email-Tracking Apps: Hackers can employ sophisticated email-tracking applications or techniques to gather even more information. These tools are designed to surreptitiously monitor your email interactions. 
IP Address Tracking: When you open an email, it often contains hidden elements that reveal your IP address. This information can be used to determine your approximate geographical location. Hackers can gain insights into where you are located, potentially compromising your physical safety or facilitating further cyberattacks.
Activity Monitoring: Email-tracking apps can notify the hacker when you open the email, providing them with a timestamp of your activity. This information can be used to deduce when you are most active online, which can be exploited for phishing attacks or other malicious activities.
Link Interaction Tracking: By embedding tracking pixels or unique links within emails, hackers can discern which links you click on and even monitor your actions on linked web pages. This level of surveillance allows them to understand your interests, preferences, and potential vulnerabilities. In the case of the Oz experiment, clicking on what appeared to be a harmless link had far-reaching consequences, as the hacker was able to monitor subsequent online behavior, leading to the exposure of additional personal information.

→ Dig Deeper: Mobile Spyware: How Hackers Can Turn Your Phone Into a Stalking Machine

Knowing these tactics highlights the importance of practicing caution and diligence when it comes to email and online interactions. Safeguarding your digital identity requires a combination of awareness, security measures, and privacy-conscious practices. It also underscores the need for robust cybersecurity measures on both individual and organizational levels to protect against these types of intrusive and potentially harmful activities.

Protecting Your Digital Identity

Knowing all this, it is imperative to find ways to protect yourself from such intrusions. In addition to knowing what makes hackers tick, there are several insights and practices you should consider to enhance your online security and privacy:

Strong Passwords: Create strong, unique passwords for each of your online accounts. Use a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters. Consider using a reputable password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely.
Two-Factor or Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enable 2FA or MFA wherever possible. This adds an extra layer of security by requiring you to provide two or more forms of verification, such as a password and a fingerprint or a one-time code sent to your phone.
Regular Updates: Keep your operating system, software, and antivirus programs up to date. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities are often patched in these updates, so failing to update can leave you exposed.
Phishing Awareness: Educate yourself about phishing scams. Be wary of emails or messages requesting sensitive information, especially if they urge you to act urgently. Double-check the legitimacy of such requests with the supposed sender through a different channel of communication.

→ Dig Deeper: How to Spot Phishing Lures

Secure Wi-Fi: Ensure your home Wi-Fi network is password-protected and uses strong encryption. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive activities unless you are using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) for added security.
Regular Backups: Back up your important data regularly, and store backups offline or in the cloud. In case of a ransomware attack or data loss, you’ll have a safe copy of your information.
Social Engineering Awareness: Be cautious about what you share on social media. Cybercriminals often gather information from social profiles to craft convincing spear-phishing attacks. Limit the personal information you make public.
Email Verification: Verify email senders, especially when dealing with financial or sensitive matters. Look out for red flags such as misspellings or suspicious email addresses.
Safe Browsing Habits: Avoid visiting dubious websites or downloading files from untrusted sources. Use ad-blockers and ensure that your web browser settings are configured for enhanced privacy and security.
Security Software: In addition to antivirus software, consider using anti-malware and anti-spyware programs to bolster your defense against various types of threats. McAfee+ and McAfee Total Protection are your best options if you want to have an all-inclusive software security. 
Cybersecurity Education: Stay informed about the latest cybersecurity threats and best practices. Cybersecurity is an evolving field, and awareness is a powerful defense.
Incident Response Plan: Develop a plan for responding to security incidents. Know how to disconnect from the internet, contact authorities if necessary, and recover from an attack.

McAfee Pro Tip: For your peace of mind, get McAfee+, which comes with a $2M identity theft coverage and setup assistance, to make a sound incident response plan if your email got hacked and sensitive information got compromised. 

Remember that while it’s essential to take these precautions, no system is completely invulnerable. Cyber threats are continually evolving, so staying vigilant and proactive is crucial to maintaining your online security and privacy.


An email address might seem like a tiny part of your life, but in the wrong hands, it can lead to a significant breach of your privacy. It’s important to remember that the safety measures you take or fail to take can have real-world effects. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep a vigilant eye on your digital persona, how you navigate the World Wide Web, and who has access to your information. The key to internet safety lies within our control – cautious, knowledgeable, and proactive steps to protect your digital identity. At McAfee, we’re always here to remind you that the internet is only as secure as you make it.

The post If You Give A Hacker Your Email Address… appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Read Time:9 Second

A flaw was found in OpenStack. Multiple components show plain-text passwords in /var/log/messages during the OpenStack overcloud update run, leading to a disclosure of sensitive information problem.

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Staying Safe While Working Remotely

Read Time:7 Minute, 18 Second

In the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, workplaces worldwide have undergone a seismic shift towards remote working. This adjustment involves much more than just allowing employees to access work resources from various locations. It necessitates the update of remote working policies and heightened cybersecurity security awareness.

Cybercriminals and potential nation-states are reportedly exploiting the global health crisis for their own gain. Hackers have targeted an array of sectors, including healthcare, employing COVID-19-related baits to manipulate user behavior. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how you, as an employee, can augment your cybersecurity measures and stay safe when working remotely.

Understanding the Threat Landscape

It has been reported that criminals are using COVID-19 as bait in phishing emails, domains, malware, and more. While the exploitation of this global crisis is disheartening, it is unsurprising as criminals habitually leverage large events to their advantage. That said, it’s crucial to identify potential targets, particularly in certain geographic regions.

The data so far reveals a broad geographic dispersion of ‘targets,’ with many countries that are typical phishing targets being hit. However, there are anomalies such as Panama, Taiwan, and Japan, suggesting possible campaigns targeting specific countries. The landscape is continuously evolving as more threats are identified, necessitating vigilant monitoring on your part to stay safe.

→ Dig Deeper: McAfee Labs Report Reveals Latest COVID-19 Threats and Malware Surges

Contextualizing Working from Home Threats

The abrupt shift to remote work has left many employees unprepared, with some needing to operate from personal devices. These personal devices, if lacking appropriate security measures, can expose both you and your company or employer to various potential attacks.

Over the last few years, there has been a surge in targeted ransomware attacks, particularly through “commodity malware.” This malware type is often directed at consumers. Consequently, accessing work networks from potentially infected personal devices without appropriate security measures significantly increases the risk. Both employees and employers are left vulnerable to breaches and ransomware lockdowns.

Know the Risks of Online Connectivity and Collaboration

Office closures and working-from-home mandates due to COVID-19 permanently changed the way we look at workplace connectivity. A recent Fenwick poll among HR, privacy, and security professionals across industries noted that approximately 90% of employees now handle intellectual property, confidential, and personal information on their in-home Wi-Fi as opposed to in-office networks. Additionally, many are accessing this information on personal and mobile devices that often do not have the same protections as company-owned devices. The elevated number of unprotected devices connected to unsecured networks creates weak areas in a company’s infrastructure, making it harder to protect against hackers.

One technology your organization should be especially diligent about is video conferencing software. Hackers can infiltrate video conferencing software to eavesdrop on private discussions and steal vital information. Many disrupt video calls via brute force, where they scan a list of possible meeting IDs to try and connect to a meeting. Others seek more complex infiltration methods through vulnerabilities in the actual software. Up until recently, Agora’s video conferencing software exhibited these same vulnerabilities.

Hackers will usually try to gain access to these network vulnerabilities by targeting unsuspecting employees through phishing scams which can lead to even greater consequences if they manage to insert malware or hold your data for ransom. Without proper training on how to avoid these threats, many employees wouldn’t know how to handle the impact should they become the target.

Remote Working: Best Practices

If you’re an employee working remotely, it is essential to comprehend and adhere to best security practices. Here are some guidelines you could follow:

Remote Working Policy Guidance: Understand clearly what the remote working expectations of your company are, especially with respect to security practices.
Asset Classification: With added security, make previously inaccessible information available for remote use.
Strong Authentication: Secure access to key assets using two-factor authentication.
Awareness: Be informed about the potential risks of connecting remotely and the need to exercise caution while accessing authorized shared services and handling targeted phishing emails.
VPN Access: Use virtual private networks (VPNs) for a secure connection from untrusted networks.
Regular Software Updates: Ensure that your operating system, software applications, and security tools are regularly updated with the latest patches and updates. Cybercriminals often target known vulnerabilities in outdated software.
Firewall Protection: Activate and maintain a firewall on your remote device to block unauthorized access and protect your system from malicious traffic.
Safe Online Behavior: Exercise caution when clicking on links, downloading files, or opening email attachments, even if they appear to be from trusted sources. Verify the authenticity of such content to avoid falling victim to phishing attempts.
Physical Security: Ensure that your remote work area is secure. Lock up any physical documents or devices containing sensitive information when they are not in use.
Secure Mobile Device Usage: If you use a mobile device for work, ensure it is protected with a strong passcode or biometric authentication. Install security apps to remotely wipe the device if it is lost or stolen.
Collaboration Etiquette: When collaborating with colleagues remotely, be mindful of data-sharing practices and adhere to your organization’s collaboration guidelines to maintain security.
Separate personal and business devices: We may have brought work home with us, but nonetheless, we must strive to maintain a work/life balance and set boundaries between our personal and work life. Setting these boundaries makes it easier to separate the technology we use in our lives as well. Avoid sharing your company’s devices with family members who are not aware of the best security practices, especially children. Also, keep personal accounts separate from company accounts to prevent sharing information through personal channels.

Security Solutions and Tools

Considering the rise of remote working, it is more crucial than ever for employees, especially those working remotely, to invest in secure solutions and tools. However, as end-users, it’s also wisest to take extra steps like installing comprehensive security software to ward off cyber threats. These software have features that collectively provide a holistic approach to security, detecting vulnerabilities, and minimizing the chance of an attack.

We recommend McAfee+ and McAfee Total Protection if you want an all-inclusive security solution. With a powerful combination of real-time threat detection, antivirus, and malware protection, secure browsing, identity theft prevention, and privacy safeguards, McAfee+ and McAfee Total Protection ensure that your devices and personal information remain secure and your online experience is worry-free. 

McAfee Pro Tip: Gauge your security protection and assess your security needs before you get a comprehensive security plan. This proactive approach is the foundation for establishing robust cybersecurity measures tailored to your specific requirements and potential vulnerabilities. Learn more about our award-winning security products award-winning security products

Tailored Security Education for Employees

In the current digital age, employees must be aware of their crucial role in maintaining organizational security. As such, you should consider engaging in tailored security education and training programs that help employees identify and avoid potential threats such as phishing and malicious downloads. Regular training and updates can be beneficial as employees are often the first line of defense and can significantly help mitigate potential security breaches.

To ensure effective acquisition of knowledge, engage in security training that is designed in an engaging, easy-to-understand manner and utilizes practical examples that you can relate to. Successful training programs often incorporate interactive modules, quizzes, and even games to instill important security concepts. 

Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication and collaboration are paramount in a remote working environment. Employees need to share information and collaborate on projects effectively while ensuring that sensitive information remains secure. Use and participate in platforms that enable secure communication and collaboration. Tools such as secure messaging apps, encrypted email services, secure file sharing, and collaboration platforms will ensure information protection while allowing seamless collaboration.

Make sure that you’re provided with detailed guidelines and training on the proper use of these tools and their security features. This will help prevent data leaks and other security issues that can arise from misuse or misunderstanding.

→ Dig Deeper: Five Tips from McAfee’s Remote Workers


The transition to a remote working environment brings with it various cybersecurity challenges. Prioritizing secure communication and collaboration tools, coupled with ongoing education and adherence to best practices, can help you navigate these challenges with confidence, ultimately reaping the benefits of a flexible and efficient remote work environment while safeguarding critical data and information. McAfee can help you with that and more, so choose the best combination of features that fits your remote work setup. 

The post Staying Safe While Working Remotely appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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LLM Summary of My Book Beyond Fear

Read Time:3 Minute, 34 Second

Claude (Anthropic’s LLM) was given this prompt: Please summarize the themes and arguments of Bruce Schneier’s book Beyond Fear. I’m particularly interested in a taxonomy of his ethical arguments—please expand on that. Then lay out the most salient criticisms of the book.

Claude’s reply:

Here’s a brief summary of the key themes and arguments made in security expert Bruce Schneier’s book Beyond Fear: Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World:

Central Themes:

Effective security requires realistic risk assessment, not fear-driven responses. We need to rationally determine actual threats versus perceived ones.
Security trade-offs need to be carefully balanced against costs to other values like privacy, freedom, and social/economic impacts.
Human psychology and biases lead to exaggerated fears that politicians/marketers can exploit, resulting in wasteful and theatrical “security theater.”
Security is a process that requires ongoing flexibility, not total prevention. We can’t anticipate every threat but can build resilience.

Key Arguments:

Analyze risks empirically using evidence, statistics, and probability rather than intuition. Avoid underestimating everyday risks while overestimating novel or sensational ones.
Reject the temptation to implement oppressive security restrictions after tragic but unlikely events. Focus only on proportional responses.
Where possible, favor openness and transparency over aggressive data collection or restrictions which erode civil liberties.
Seek security policies and technologies that enhance society broadly rather than benefit special interests.

Schneier argues for rational, ethical approaches to security aimed at genuine protection while avoiding violations of human rights in the name of safety.

Here are some of the key ethical arguments Bruce Schneier makes in Beyond Fear regarding security policy and practices:

Utilitarian Ethics – Security measures should aim to provide the greatest societal benefit and well-being for the most people, not just special interests.
Individual Autonomy – Restrictions should be minimized to avoid excessive infringements on civil liberties and individual freedoms. Surveillance creep risks violating autonomy.
Privacy Rights – Pervasive monitoring and data collection erode privacy rights and dignity. Citizens are entitled to some degree of opacity.
Proportional Responses – Reactive policies should weigh costs versus statistically likely benefits. Draconian rules beyond proportionality are unethical.
Justice and Fairness – Security should not create racial, religious or other profiling biases that punish groups rather than conduct.
Accountability and Transparency – Ethical security requires checks against excessive power and oversight for responsibility. Secrecy enables abuses.
Honest Representation – Officials and pundits have an ethical duty not to stoke disproportionate public fears. Security theater manufactures consent.
Integrity and Character – Leaders should have the wisdom and courage to make difficult trade-offs rather than exploit fears for authority and control.

Overall Schneier argues security policies grounded in ethics rather than fear promote human well-being while recognizing inherent trade-offs. Prudence, transparency, and proportionality are essential.

Here are some of the most salient criticisms made against the arguments put forth in Bruce Schneier’s book Beyond Fear:

Downplays real threats – Some argue Schneier dangerously downplays serious risks like terrorism and cybercrime by calling fears overblown.
Too theoretical – His risk analysis approach may rely too much on statistics versus real-world uncertainties that defy probabilistic reasoning.
No easy answers – While citing misguided policies, critics say Schneier provides few actionable solutions or concrete policy guidance.
Conflicting values – His balancing of security, privacy and liberty involves inherent trade-offs and tough choices he gives little direction on.
Politically naive – Suggesting special interests drive policy may under-appreciate legitimate national security concerns of elected officials.
Hindsight bias – Assessing past overreactions easier than predicting future threats that justify caution today.
No accounting for psychology – Factoring human irrationality into policy is essential, not dismissed as “security theater.”
Technical focus – Focuses narrowly on certain technologies while ignoring broader organizational and sociological dimensions.

In summary, critics argue Schneier’s risk analysis orientation is too clinical, abstract, and devoid of political and human realities to transform concrete policy in the ways he intends. His framework may therefore lack sufficient nuance or guidance.

It’s interesting. The summary is pretty accurate, and so are the criticisms. The book was a product of my thinking twenty years ago, and my own thinking has evolved to address those criticisms.

Of course, this only works with older books that the LLM has ingested, and probably works better with books that have been written about.

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Read Time:9 Second

** REJECT ** DO NOT USE THIS CANDIDATE NUMBER. ConsultIDs: none. Reason: This candidate was withdrawn by its CNA. Further investigation showed that it was not a security issue. Notes: none.

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Read Time:33 Second

The version of cri-o as released for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.9.48, 4.10.31, and 4.11.6 via RHBA-2022:6316, RHBA-2022:6257, and RHBA-2022:6658, respectively, included an incorrect version of cri-o missing the fix for CVE-2022-27652, which was previously fixed in OCP 4.9.41 and 4.10.12 via RHBA-2022:5433 and RHSA-2022:1600. This issue could allow an attacker with access to programs with inheritable file capabilities to elevate those capabilities to the permitted set when execve(2) runs. For more details, see

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