Spyware in India

Read Time:40 Second

Apple has warned leaders of the opposition government in India that their phones are being spied on:

Multiple top leaders of India’s opposition parties and several journalists have received a notification from Apple, saying that “Apple believes you are being targeted by state-sponsored attackers who are trying to remotely compromise the iPhone associated with your Apple ID ….”

AccessNow puts this in context:

For India to uphold fundamental rights, authorities must initiate an immediate independent inquiry, implement a ban on the use of rights-abusing commercial spyware, and make a commitment to reform the country’s surveillance laws. These latest warnings build on repeated instances of cyber intrusion and spyware usage, and highlights the surveillance impunity in India that continues to flourish despite the public outcry triggered by the 2019 Pegasus Project revelations.

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A guide to digital forensics data acquisition with FTK Imager

Read Time:4 Minute, 41 Second

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

In the field of Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR), acquiring a forensic copy of a suspect’s storage device is a critical first step. This process involves either disk imaging or disk cloning, each with its own distinct purposes and methodologies. In this blog, we’ll delve into the differences between disk imaging and disk cloning, when to use each method, and provide step-by-step guidance on how to create a forensic disk image using FTK Imager.

Disk imaging vs. disk cloning

Disk imaging

Disk imaging is the process of creating a bit-for-bit copy or snapshot of an entire storage device or a specific partition. In forensic imaging, the goal is to create an exact, bit-for-bit copy of the source disk without making any changes to the original data. The key characteristics of disk imaging include:

Non-destructive: Disk imaging is a non-destructive process that doesn’t alter the original data on the source device. It preserves the integrity of the evidence.

File-level access: After imaging, forensic examiners can access and analyze the files and folders within the image using specialized forensic software. This allows for targeted analysis and data recovery.

Metadata preservation: Disk imaging retains critical metadata such as file timestamps, permissions, and attributes, which can be crucial in investigations.

Flexible storage: Disk images can be stored in various formats (e.g., E01, DD, AFF) and on different media, such as external hard drives or network storage.

Disk cloning

Disk cloning, on the other hand, involves creating an exact duplicate of the source storage device, including all partitions and unallocated space.  Unlike file copying, disk cloning also duplicates the filesystems, partitions, drive meta data and slack space on the drive. The characteristics of disk cloning include:

Exact copy: Disk cloning produces an identical copy of the source device. It replicates everything, including empty space and hidden partitions.

Quick duplication: Cloning is typically faster than imaging because it doesn’t involve the creation of a separate image file. It’s essentially a sector-by-sector copy.

Cloning is like making an exact photocopy of a book, smudges and all. It copies everything, even the empty pages. So, if we’re dealing with a whole computer, it copies the operating system, software, and every file, whether it’s useful or not.

Creating a forensic disk image with FTK Imager

FTK Imager is a widely used and trusted tool for creating forensic disk images. Here are the steps to create a disk image using FTK Imager:

Download and Install FTK Imager, make sure to use latest stable version available as well mention the version and vendor details in case notes. This is a good practice in digital forensics and incident response (DFIR) as it ensures that you are using the most up-to-date and secure version of the software, and it provides important documentation about the tools and their configurations used in your investigations. Keeping software updated is essential for maintaining the integrity and reliability of your forensic processes.

Download and Install FTK Imager on your forensic workstation. It can be downloaded from here. You’ll need to provide some information like name, business email etc., and after you fill in the form the download will start automatically. You can use privacy centric services while filling out the information. Begin the installation.

Once, FTK Imager is installed, launch FTK Imager by clicking on the application icon.

In the “File” menu, choose “Create Disk Image.”

Select the source device (the drive you want to image) from the list.

Specify image destination:

Choose a location and provide a name for the output image file.

Select the desired image format (e.g., E01 or DD).

Configure options:

Configure imaging options such as compression, verification, and hash algorithm as needed.

Start imaging:

Click the “Start” button to begin the imaging process.

FTK Imager will create a forensic disk image of the source device.

Verification and validation:

After imaging is complete, use FTK Imager to verify the integrity of the image using hash values.


Open the forensic image in FTK Imager or other forensic analysis tools to examine the data and conduct investigations.

Remember to follow proper chain of custody procedures, document your actions, and adhere to legal and ethical standards when conducting digital forensics investigations.


In conclusion, the process of acquiring digital evidence in the field of digital forensics is a meticulous and critical endeavor. Whether you choose to clone or image a storage device, each method serves its purpose in preserving the integrity of the evidence.

Cloning, with its ability to create an exact duplicate of a system or drive, is invaluable for scenarios where replication is necessary, such as setting up backup systems or rescuing data from failing hardware. Its speed and precision make it an indispensable tool in the digital investigator’s toolkit.

On the other hand, imaging, akin to taking snapshots of the relevant data, excels when you need to preserve evidence in a forensically sound manner. It allows investigators to focus on specific pieces of information without the burden of redundant or irrelevant data.
Whichever method you choose, it’s paramount to adhere to best practices, document your actions meticulously, and ensure that the integrity of the original evidence is maintained throughout the process. With a thorough understanding of when and how to employ these techniques, digital forensic experts can uncover the truth while safeguarding the integrity of digital evidence.

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USN-6470-1: Axis vulnerability

Read Time:14 Second

It was discovered that Axis incorrectly handled certain inputs. If a user or
an automated system were tricked into opening a specially crafted input file,
a remote attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a denial of service
or execute arbitrary code. (CVE-2023-40743)

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Top 5 Things to Know About Recent IoT Attacks

Read Time:5 Minute, 48 Second

Recent Internet attacks have caused several popular sites to become unreachable. These include Twitter, Etsy, Spotify, Airbnb, Github, and The New York Times. These incidents have highlighted a new threat to online services: botnets powered by the Internet of Things (IoT). Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have been around for over a decade and, for the most part, have been handled by network providers’ security services. However, the landscape is changing.

The primary strategy in these attacks is to control a number of devices which then simultaneously flood a destination with network requests. The target becomes overloaded and legitimate requests cannot be processed. Traditional network filters typically handle this by recognizing and blocking systems exhibiting this malicious behavior. However, when thousands of systems mount an attack, these traditional filters fail to differentiate between legitimate and malicious traffic, causing system availability to crumble.

Cybercriminals, Hacktivists, and IoT

Cybercriminals and hacktivists have found a new weapon in this war: the IoT. Billions of IoT devices exist, ranging in size from a piece of jewelry to a tractor. These devices all have one thing in common: they connect to the internet. While this connection offers tremendous benefits, such as allowing users to monitor their homes or check the contents of their refrigerators remotely, it also presents a significant risk. For hackers, each IoT device represents a potential recruit for their bot armies.

A recent attack against a major DNS provider shed light on this vulnerability. Botnets containing tens or hundreds of thousands of hijacked IoT devices have the potential to bring down significant sections of the internet. Over the coming months, we’ll likely discover just how formidable a threat these devices pose. For now, let’s dig into the key aspects of recent IoT DDoS attacks.

5 Key Points to Understand

The proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices has ushered in a new era of digital convenience, but it has also opened the floodgates to a range of cybersecurity concerns. To navigate the complexities of this digital landscape, it’s essential to grasp five key points:

1. Insecure IoT devices pose new risks to everyone

Each device that can be hacked is a potential soldier for a botnet army, which could be used to disrupt essential parts of the internet. Such attacks can interfere with your favorite sites for streaming, socializing, shopping, healthcare, education, banking, and more. They have the potential to undermine the very foundations of our digital society. This underscores the need for proactive measures to protect our digital way of life and ensure the continued availability of essential services that have become integral to modern living. 

→Dig Deeper: How Valuable Is Your Health Care Data?

2. IoT devices are coveted by hackers

Hackers will fight to retain control over them. Though the malware used in the Mirai botnets is simple, it will evolve as quickly as necessary to allow attackers to maintain control. IoT devices are significantly valuable to hackers as they can enact devastating DDoS attacks with minimal effort. As we embrace the convenience of IoT, we must also grapple with the responsibility of securing these devices to maintain the integrity and resilience of our increasingly digitized way of life.

3. DDoS Attacks from IoT Devices Are Intense and Difficult to Defend Against

Identifying and mitigating attacks from a handful of systems is manageable. However, when tens or hundreds of thousands of devices are involved, it becomes nearly impossible. The resources required to defend against such an attack are immense and expensive. For instance, a recent attack that aimed to incapacitate Brian Krebs’ security-reporting site led to Akamai’s Vice President of Web Security stating that if such attacks were sustained, they could easily cost millions in cybersecurity services to keep the site available. Attackers are unlikely to give up these always-connected devices that are ideal for forming powerful DDoS botnets.

There’s been speculation that nation-states are behind some of these attacks, but this is highly unlikely. The authors of Mirai, a prominent botnet, willingly released their code to the public, something a governmental organization would almost certainly not do. However, it’s plausible that after observing the power of IoT botnets, nation-states are developing similar strategies—ones with even more advanced capabilities. In the short term, however, cybercriminals and hacktivists will continue to be the primary drivers of these attacks.

→ Dig Deeper: Mirai Botnet Creates Army of IoT Orcs

4. Cybercriminals and Hacktivists Are the Main Perpetrators

In the coming months, it’s expected that criminals will discover ways to profit from these attacks, such as through extortion. The authors of Mirai voluntarily released their code to the public—an action unlikely from a government-backed team. However, the effectiveness of IoT botnets hasn’t gone unnoticed, and it’s a good bet that nation-states are already working on similar strategies but with significantly more advanced capabilities.

Over time, expect cybercriminals and hacktivists to remain the main culprits behind these attacks. In the immediate future, these groups will continue to exploit insecure IoT devices to enact devastating DDoS attacks, constantly evolving their methods to stay ahead of defenses.

→ Dig Deeper: Hacktivists Turn to Phishing to Fund Their Causes

5. It Will Likely Get Worse Before It Gets Better

Unfortunately, the majority of IoT devices lack robust security defenses. The devices currently being targeted are the most vulnerable, many of which have default passwords easily accessible online. Unless the owner changes the default password, hackers can quickly and easily gain control of these devices. With each device they compromise, they gain another soldier for their botnet.

To improve this situation, several factors must be addressed. Devices must be designed with security at the forefront; they must be configured correctly and continuously managed to keep their security up-to-date. This will require both technical advancements and behavioral changes to stay in line with the evolving tactics of hackers.

McAfee Pro Tip: Software updates not only enhance security but also bring new features, better compatibility, stability improvements, and feature removal. While frequent update reminders can be bothersome, they ultimately enhance the user experience, ensuring you make the most of your technology. Know more about the importance of software updates.

Final Thoughts

Securing IoT devices is now a critical issue for everyone. The sheer number of IoT devices, combined with their vulnerability, provides cybercriminals and hacktivists with a vast pool of resources to fuel potent DDoS campaigns. We are just beginning to observe the attacks and issues surrounding IoT security. Until the implementation of comprehensive controls and responsible behaviors becomes commonplace, we will continue to face these challenges. By understanding these issues, we take the first steps toward a more secure future.

Take more steps with McAfee to secure your digital future. Explore our security solutions or read our cybersecurity blogs and reports.

The post Top 5 Things to Know About Recent IoT Attacks appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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