
Read Time:8 Second


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Update description:

Update to 0.7.8
Security fix for CVE-2023-43907

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Why Does My Phone Get Hot?

Read Time:6 Minute, 3 Second

Overheating is a common issue in mobile devices, but it often raises alarms among users. This concern is usually unnecessary, as there are several common and easily resolvable reasons why phones get hot, including overuse, exposure to harsh weather conditions, and battery problems. However, it is essential to cool down an excessively hot device promptly to prevent it from overheating again.

Below we delve into the five most common reasons why your phone might be getting hot and how to cool it down.

The Impact of Viruses and Malware

Mobile malware can have effects beyond data leaks, software damage, or battery drainage. It can also overload your device’s processor and cause it to overheat by making it work overtime. Utilizing a robust mobile security tool, such as McAfee Mobile Security, can protect your pocket-sized digital life by blocking malicious apps, threats, and malware from entering your device.

McAfee Pro Tip: For more information on current mobile threats, check out this full report. The McAfee 2023 Consumer Mobile Threat Report is one of our latest resources that delve into the ever-evolving realm of mobile security challenges and risks. 

Video Streaming and Gaming

Streaming video content, running graphically demanding gaming apps, and recording video content for prolonged periods can heat your phone’s central processing unit (CPU). This can lead to an unexpectedly hot Apple or Android device.

While computers have internal fans to keep them cool, phones don’t. Therefore, if you overwork your phone, it is likely to get hotter than you would like. This elevated heat not only affects user comfort but also poses potential risks to the device itself. Excessive heat can accelerate battery degradation, diminish overall performance, and even lead to thermal throttling, which reduces processing power to prevent damage. It’s crucial to be mindful of your phone’s workload and ensure it doesn’t become excessively hot to maintain optimal functionality and prolong the lifespan of your device.

→ Dig Deeper: What You Need to Know About Livestreaming

Battery Problems

Your phone’s battery health plays a significant role in whether or not it overheats. As the battery health degrades, the likelihood of your phone overheating increases. Checking whether the back of your device heats up more than the front can tell you if the battery is at fault.

Most devices also have a feature allowing you to check your battery’s health. You can find this feature on an iPhone—go to “Settings” and choose “Battery”. To check your battery’s health on an Android device, you can typically navigate to the “Settings” app, and then look for the “Battery” or “Battery & Device Care” section, which can vary in name. Within this section, you’ll often find options to assess your battery’s condition and performance.

Outdated Apps

Failing to update your apps can pose overheating risks to your device. App updates often include bug fixes, extra features, and security additions, all of which improve your device’s performance and minimize overheating issues. Make sure to regularly update your apps, whether you’re using the App Store on iOS or Google Play on Android.

→ Dig Deeper: Why Software Updates Are So Important

Can Overheating Damage My Phone Permanently?

Next, we delve into the potential permanent damage that overheating can cause. While a heat warning on a hot summer afternoon might not seem alarming, continual exposure to heat can slow down your device, cause data loss, and result in battery leakage.

One of the most concerning outcomes of overheating is the potential for battery leakage. High temperatures can accelerate the chemical reactions within the battery, which can lead to the release of harmful gasses, swelling of the battery, and, in the worst-case scenario, leakage of electrolytes. Battery leakage not only compromises your device’s performance but can also pose safety hazards. Therefore, it is important to keep your phone cool and take precautions if it does overheat.

How to Cool Down Your Overheating Phone?

If you find your phone getting excessively hot, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to cool it down. Some of these steps are pretty straightforward but can do wonders in bringing the temperature of your phone down. And in preventing your phone from heating up in the future, here are some techniques:

Update Your Phone

One of the simplest ways to prevent overheating is by keeping your phone up to date. Regular updates not only keep your device secure but also often fix bugs that can lead to excessive battery drain and heating.

Follow Correct Charging Practices

Believe it or not, how you charge your phone can also impact how hot it gets. Always make sure to use the correct charger and charging cable for your device. Avoid full cycle and overnight charging, and never cover your phone or keep it in a hot place while it’s charging.

→ Dig Deeper: US-B Careful: Public iPhone Chargers Lie in Wait

Go on Airplane Mode

Turning on airplane mode can help cool down your device faster. Airplane mode restricts all wireless communication on your device, such as searching for a cellular signal or Wi-Fi, which can drain your battery and cause your device to heat up.

Lower Screen Brightness and Activities

High screen brightness not only drains your phone’s battery faster but also generates more heat. Your screen needs more power to shine brighter, which can make your device run hotter, particularly if you have your brightness cranked up for extended periods. It’s always best to auto-adjust the screen brightness on your mobile device to match your environmental conditions. At night or in darker environments, your screen brightness doesn’t need to be high.

Additionally, dynamic wallpapers and widgets can cause your device to use more power, which can result in excess heat. Try using static backgrounds and minimizing the number of widgets to help keep your device cool.

Remove Protective Case

While phone cases are essential for protecting your device from accidental damage, they can also trap heat. Removing your phone’s case can allow heat to escape and can help cool down your device faster.

Avoid Direct Sunlight

The intense heat generated by the sun can not only make your device uncomfortably warm to the touch but can also trigger thermal stress, adversely affecting its performance and battery life. Direct sunlight can cause your device to heat up quickly, so always make sure to keep your device away from direct sunlight and other heat sources.

Use Antivirus Protection

As discussed earlier, malware can keep your device working overtime and generate more heat. A security app like McAfee Mobile Security can prevent malicious apps and threats from entering your device and causing it to overheat.

Final Thoughts

While an overheating phone may cause an alarm, it’s usually not a cause for concern. Several factors can cause your phone to get hot, including overuse, high screen brightness, and malware. Regular updates, correct charging habits, and using antivirus protection can all help prevent your phone from overheating. Remember, if your phone gets excessively hot, it’s crucial to take immediate steps to cool it down and prevent potential damage.

The post Why Does My Phone Get Hot? appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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How Extremist Groups Target Teens Online

Read Time:5 Minute, 46 Second

With the reality of the digital age, the internet has become a vital part of our daily lives. While it offers immense benefits, the online world also has its potential risks. One such alarming issue involves extremist groups targeting impressionable teenagers online. An example of this is the Orlando nightclub massacre, where the gunman was believed to have been radicalized online. This guide aims to shed light on how these extremist groups operate and provide helpful measures for parents to protect their children.

Understanding The Online Influence of Extremist Groups

According to experts, extremist groups approach their targets subtly, often presenting their ideologies as non-threatening at first. These manipulations are not limited to only social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter, but can be encountered in various forms like pop-up ads, hashtags, blog posts, and even videos. Extremist content is widespread online, and it has become increasingly crucial to educate your family about these threats.

Influence from these groups does not happen overnight. It often starts with behavioral changes. Common signs that a teen may be exposed to extremist ideologies include physical changes, sudden interest in fundamental values, increasingly critical towards the U.S., or constantly praising extremist violence in the news. These changes may seem minor at first, but they can lead to sinister results if left unchecked.

Strategies Employed by Extremist Groups Online

ISIS, among other extremist groups, has used the internet extensively for propaganda and recruitment. Their online presence is state-of-the-art and their recruitment methods are sophisticated. They primarily target impressionable teens and young adults who are often at the peak of their emotional turmoil and rebellion. They capitalize on the young person’s desire for acceptance, camaraderie and the urge to act out.

Extremist ideology is presented in a way that validates and glorifies this rebellion, treating it as an act of bravery. These groups lure in both males and females with promises of material rewards, eternal favor, adventure, and even heroism. All these appeal to the human desire for acceptance and significance, making it more appealing for impressionable youths.

Defending Against Online Extremism

The Family Institute for Online Safety (FOSI) released a report entitled “Violent Extremism: The New Online Safety Discussion”. It highlighted the ongoing threat of online extremism and the potential exposure of children to extremist content. The report recommends proactive measures such as awareness, education, and collaboration among government, community leaders, and social media companies to keep families safe from these threats.

Parents play a critical role in curbing this menace. They need to discuss current world events and the reliability of online content their children might encounter online. They should help their children develop critical thinking skills about the content they consume online, understand the motivations behind posted content and the potential manipulation involved.

Monitoring Your Child’s Online Activity

As a parent, it is important to observe your child’s online behavior. This does not imply invading their privacy but rather maintaining open communication about their online activities. As recommended by the FOSI report, parents should be aware of the sites their children visit and the content they consume. Encourage your child to discuss questionable content or unusual interactions they encounter online. This open communication helps build trust and promotes a safer online environment.

Teaching your children about digital footprint is also essential. Explain how their online behavior can have real-life consequences. This can range from damaging their reputation to attracting unwanted attention from malicious figures, such as those from extremist groups. Encourage them to think twice before posting or responding to content online, and remind them that nothing they do online is truly hidden or erased.

→ Dig Deeper: 6 Tips to Help Protect and Improve Your Child’s Online Reputation

Online Resources for Parents

There are numerous online resources available to assist parents in mitigating the influence of online extremism on their children. These include guides on dealing with tragedy and resources to help identify and address childhood depression. Utilizing these resources can equip parents with the knowledge to address difficult situations appropriately and limit the impact on their child’s mental health. Here are some sources you might want to check out: 

Educational Websites: Resources like those provided by the FOSI, including studies and actionable advice, can help parents stay informed about the current behaviors and trends of online extremists. Websites like Common Sense Media and NetSmartz also offer comprehensive educational materials, including articles, videos, and lesson plans, to help parents and educators address online safety and digital literacy with children. Keeping abreast of these trends enables parents to better recognize potential threats and intervene before their children are influenced by extremist propaganda.
Parental Control Software: McAfee’s comprehensive parental control software offers parents a multifaceted solution to ensure the online safety of their children. With these tools, parents can actively monitor and manage their child’s internet activities, enabling them to set restrictions on certain websites or content deemed inappropriate. 
Online Safety Workshops: Many organizations and schools host workshops and webinars on online safety and digital literacy. These can provide parents with practical strategies and expert insights.
Mental Health Support: Accessing online platforms like the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) or Crisis Text Line can help parents understand and address the mental health challenges their children may face as a result of online experiences.
Social Media Guides: Given the central role of social media in many children’s lives, parents can also find guides from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat on how to ensure a safer and more positive online experience.

→ Dig Deeper: Does Your Child Have an Unhealthy Relationship with Social Media?

Counseling Services: If parents observe concerning changes in their child’s behavior or mental health, it’s important to connect with school counselors, therapists, or psychologists who specialize in youth mental health and digital well-being.

Community Support: Local parent groups or online communities dedicated to online safety and parenting can provide a sense of solidarity and practical advice from other parents who have faced similar challenges.

Final Thoughts

The digital age brings with it immense benefits and potential risks. Online extremism is a real threat, but proactive and involved parenting can help minimize its influence on our children. By staying informed about extremist tactics, maintaining open dialogue with our children about their online activities, and utilizing available resources, we can help ensure their online safety. After all, armed with knowledge and understanding, we are well-equipped to face, address, and overcome these challenges.

Improve yours and your children’s understanding of the online world with the help of McAfee. Whether it’s through educational content, parental control solutions, or security features, McAfee empowers both parents and children to make informed decisions, practice responsible online behavior, and stay safe in an ever-evolving digital landscape. 

The post How Extremist Groups Target Teens Online appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Read Time:14 Second


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Update description:

cherrypick from upstream master patches for known vulnerabilities:
CVE-2023-4322 – heap-buffer-overflow in the brainfuck dissassembler
CVE-2023-5686 – heap-buffer-overflow in /radare2/shlr/java/code.c

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