Daily Malicious Files Soar 3% in 2023, Kaspersky Finds

Read Time:7 Second

Kaspersky reported an average of 411,000 malicious files deployed every day in 2023, according to its Security Bulletin: Statistics of the Year Report

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DSA-5588-1 putty – security update

Read Time:26 Second

Fabian Baeumer, Marcus Brinkmann and Joerg Schwenk discovered that the
SSH protocol is prone to a prefix truncation attack, known as the
“Terrapin attack”. This attack allows a MITM attacker to effect a
limited break of the integrity of the early encrypted SSH transport
protocol by sending extra messages prior to the commencement of
encryption, and deleting an equal number of consecutive messages
immediately after encryption starts.

Details can be found at https://terrapin-attack.com/


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Read Time:10 Second


Packages in this update:


Update description:

Fix regression in IPv6 hosntames parsing

New upstream release fixing (CVE-2023-48795, CVE-2023-6004, CVE-2023-6918)

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