
FEDORA-2023-2b8c11ee75 Packages in this update: glibc-2.37-10.fc38 Update description: Security fix for CVE-2023-4911, CVE-2023-4806, and CVE-2023-4527. CVE-2023-4911: If a tunable of the form NAME=NAME=VAL is passed...


FEDORA-2023-028062484e Packages in this update: glibc-2.36-14.fc37 Update description: Security fix for CVE-2023-4911, CVE-2023-4806, and CVE-2023-4527. CVE-2023-4911: If a tunable of the form NAME=NAME=VAL is passed...


FEDORA-2023-63e5a77522 Packages in this update: glibc-2.38-6.fc39 Update description: Security fix for CVE-2023-4911, CVE-2023-4806, and CVE-2023-4527. CVE-2023-4911: If a tunable of the form NAME=NAME=VAL is passed...