Multiple Vulnerabilities in Adobe Products Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

Read Time:43 Second

Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Adobe products, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary code execution.

Adobe Acrobat is used to view, create, print, and manage PDF files.
Adobe Reader is used to view, create, print, and manage PDF files
Adobe Commerce is an offering that provides companies with a flexible and scalable end-to-end plate form to manage commerce experiences of their customers.
Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with full user rights. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer user rights on the system could be less impacted than those who operate with administrative user rights.

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Mind the (Interpretation) gap: Another reason why threat modeling is important

Read Time:7 Minute, 55 Second

The content of this post is solely the responsibility of the author.  AT&T does not adopt or endorse any of the views, positions, or information provided by the author in this article. 

Where do vulnerabilities fit with respect to security standards and guidelines? Was it a coverage issue or an interpretation and implementation issue? Where does a product, environment, organization, or business vertical fail the most in terms of standards requirements? These questions are usually left unanswered because of the gap between standards or regulations on the one hand, and requirements interpretation and implementation, on the other. Certified products and environments often suffer from security issues that were supposed to be covered by the requirements of the standard.

In [1], for instance, the authors give examples of vulnerable products that were IEC 62443 certified. In [2], SANS discusses the case of PCI-certified companies and why they are still being breached. This “interpretation gap,” whether it manifests in the implementation of requirements or in the assessment process, hinders security and leads to the fact that being compliant is not necessarily the same as being secure.

Admittedly, the interpretation of guidelines and requirements in standards, which have a descriptive approach in general, is not an easy task. Requirements can be rather generic and wide open to interpretation depending on the context, resources, the current threat landscape, the underlying technologies, etc. Specific requirements might also lead to conflicting interpretations depending on the type of stakeholder, which will inevitably affect the implementation side.

Threat modeling is one way to avoid shortcomings (or even possible shortcuts) in the implementation of standards, and the organization’s own security policies. Think of threat modeling as an enforcement mechanism for the proper implementation of requirements. The reason this is the case is simple; threat modeling thinks of the requirements in terms of relevant threats to the system, and determines mitigations to reduce or completely avoid the associated risks. Consequently, each requirement is mapped to a set of threats and mitigations that covers relevant use cases under specific conditions or context, e.g., what are the trust boundaries, protocols and technologies under use or consideration, third-party interactions, dataflows, data storage, etc.

This is becoming a must-have nowadays since, when it comes to technical requirements, the concern about their interpretation still persists even when companies have been audited against them. In the following, the presented data analysis makes the link between disclosed vulnerabilities in Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and the technical requirements reported in the ‘gold standard’ of standards in this area, namely the IEC 62443. It shows the difficulty of satisfying the requirements in broad terms and the need for more specific context and processes.

CISA ICS advisories’ mapping

The analysis of CISA ICS advisories data, representing close to 2,5K advisories released between 2010 and mid-2023 [3], reveals the extent of the challenge an implementer or an assessor is faced with. Table 1 presents the top weaknesses and the associated count of advisories as well as IEC 62443 requirements’ mapping. Affected sectors, the CVSS severity distribution, and top weaknesses per sector are also reported; in Figures 1 and 2, and Table 2.

Table 1. Top weaknesses in CISA’s ICS advisories and their IEC 62443 mapping.



Number of advisories

IEC 62443 technical requirement


Improper Input Validation


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


Stack-based Buffer Overflow



Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-site Scripting’)



Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer



Improper Access Control


FR1 – Identification and authentication control (IAC)


FR2 – Use control (UC)


Out-of-bounds Read


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


Improper Limitation of a Pathname to a Restricted Directory (‘Path Traversal’)



Uncontrolled Resource Consumption


SR/CR 7.1 – Denial of service protection


SR/CR 7.2 – Resource management


Out-of-bounds Write


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


Improper Authentication


SR/CR 1.1 – Human user identification and authentication


SR/CR 1.2 – Software process and device identification and authentication


Heap-based Buffer Overflow


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


Exposure of Sensitive Information to an Unauthorized Actor


FR4 – Data confidentiality (DC)


SR/CR 3.7 – Error handling


Use of Hard-coded Credentials


SR/CR 1.5 – Authenticator management


Missing Authentication for Critical Function


SR/CR 1.1 – Human user identification and authentication


SR/CR 1.2 – Software process and device identification and authentication


SR/CR 2.1 – Authorization enforcement


Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)


SR/CR 1.4 – Identifier management


Improper Neutralization of Special Elements Used in an SQL Command (‘SQL Injection’)


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


Cleartext Transmission of Sensitive Information


SR/CR 4.1 – Information confidentiality


Uncontrolled Search Path Element


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


CR 3.4 – Software and information integrity


Buffer Copy without Checking Size of Input (‘Classic Buffer Overflow’)


SR/CR 3.5 – Input validation


Insufficiently Protected Credentials


SR/CR 1.5 – Authenticator management


Figure 1. Number of vulnerabilities per sector


Figure 2. CVSS severity distribution.


Table 2. Top weaknesses per sector.


Top Weakness


Number of advisories

Critical Manufacturing


Stack-based Buffer Overflow





Improper Input Validation


Water and Wastewater


Improper Input Validation


Commercial Facilities


Improper Neutralization of Input During Web Page Generation (‘Cross-site Scripting’)


Food and Agriculture


Improper Input Validation




Improper Input Validation


Healthcare and Public Health


Improper Access Control




Stack-based Buffer Overflow


Oil and gas


Improper Restriction of Operations within the Bounds of a Memory Buffer


Government Facilities


Stack-based Buffer Overflow



Guiding requirements’ interpretation

Table 1 shows the varied levels of abstraction the vulnerabilities map to. This is one of the main issues leading to the increased complexity associated with the interpretation of requirements; for both the implementation and the assessment. While a high level of granularity allows for the definition of needed security mechanisms, a low level of granularity during the interpretation and implementation is necessary as it allows for a better understanding of all the types of threats or failures that a specific system might be subject to, e.g., given a deployment model or an underlying technology.

The case of the “Input validation” requirement is revealing, with eleven of the top twenty weaknesses in Table 1 falling under it. On the surface, input validation is rather straightforward; analyze inputs and disallow anything that can be considered unsuitable. In practice, however, the number of properties of the data and input use cases to potentially validate can be daunting. It might also be hard, or even impossible, to flush out all possible corner cases. The IEC 62443 “input validation” requirement is quite generic and encapsulates two CWE categories; “Validate Inputs” [4] and “Memory Buffer Errors” [5]. It is then essential to have a clear understanding of the target application or system to be able to identify relevant threats under each requirement and how to prevent them, i.e., achieve the said requirement.

On the other hand, the “Improper access control” weakness [6] is also an interesting use case. It is extremely high-level and maps to two foundational requirements of the IEC 62443. This highlights an issue in vulnerability reports, where high-level abstraction weaknesses are being misused in disclosure reports. More specific weaknesses related to the kind of access control involved would have been more appropriate, e.g., missing or weak authentication, missing or incorrect authorization, etc. This is not useful for trend analysis, especially on how real-world vulnerabilities relate to technical requirements in standards and regulations.

Threat modeling is helpful in both cases. Software developers, system architects, and security professionals can understand the requirements and address the predictable security issues that fall under them, given specific assumptions about the application or the system setup. In addition, current threat modeling tools can speed up the process by generating the relevant threats and their mitigations automatically, including based on threat intelligence data. The set of mitigations can also be tailored to meet different needs; for instance, the strength of a potential adversary, as is the case in the IEC 62443 standard, where four security levels are defined. These security levels (1 to 4) define technical requirements, along with requirement enhancements, in order to counter different levels of risk.

I believe that by using threat modeling as a framework, the interpretation and mapping of requirements into implementation and deployment measures become more predictable. It will also give developers and system architects a better chance of more complete coverage and accurate description of what the requirements ought to be, given the target system context, its dependencies, and the current threat landscape.

The guest author of this blog is a security researcher at








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This Election Season, Be on the Lookout for AI-generated Fake News

Read Time:4 Minute, 33 Second

It’s that time of year again: election season! You already know what to expect when you flip on the TV. Get ready for a barrage of commercials, each candidate saying enough to get you to like them but nothing specific enough to which they must stay beholden should they win.  

What you might not expect is for sensationalist election “news” to barge in uninvited on your screens. Fake news – or exaggerated or completely falsified articles claiming to be unbiased and factual journalism, often spread via social media – can pop up anytime and anywhere. This election season’s fake news machine will be different than previous years because of the emergence of mainstream artificial intelligence tools. 

AI’s Role in Fake News Generation 

Here are a few ways desperate zealots may use various AI tools to stir unease and spread misinformation around the upcoming election. 


We’ve had time to learn and operate by the adage of “Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” But now, thanks to deepfake, that lesson must extend to “Don’t believe everything you SEE on the internet.” Deepfake is the digital manipulation of a video or photo. The result often depicts a scene that never happened. At a quick glance, deepfakes can look very real! Some still look real after studying them for a few minutes. 

People may use deepfake to paint a candidate in a bad light or to spread sensationalized false news reports. For example, a deepfake could make it look like a candidate flashed a rude hand gesture or show a candidate partying with controversial public figures.  

AI Voice Synthesizers 

According to McAfee’s Beware the Artificial Imposter report, it only takes three seconds of authentic audio and minimal effort to create a mimicked voice with 85% accuracy. When someone puts their mind to it and takes the time to hone the voice clone, they can achieve a 95% voice match to the real deal. 

Well-known politicians have thousands of seconds’ worth of audio clips available to anyone on the internet, giving voice cloners plenty of samples to choose from. Fake news spreaders could employ AI voice generators to add an authentic-sounding talk track to a deepfake video or to fabricate a snappy and sleazy “hot mike” clip to share far and wide online. 

AI Text Generators 

Programs like ChatGPT and Bard can make anyone sound intelligent and eloquent. In the hands of rabble-rousers, AI text generation tools can create articles that sound almost professional enough to be real. Plus, AI allows people to churn out content quickly, meaning that people could spread dozens of fake news reports daily. The number of fake articles is only limited by the slight imagination necessary to write a short prompt. 

How to Spot AI-assisted Fake News

Before you get tricked by a fake news report, here are some ways to spot a malicious use of AI intended to mislead your political leanings: 

Distorted images. Fabricated images and videos aren’t perfect. If you look closely, you can often spot the difference between real and fake. For example, AI-created art often adds extra fingers or creates faces that look blurry.  
Robotic voices. When someone claims an audio clip is legitimate, listen closely to the voice as it could be AI-generated. AI voice synthesizers give themselves away not when you listen to the recording as a whole, but when you break it down syllable by syllable. A lot of editing is usually involved in fine tuning a voice clone. AI voices often make awkward pauses, clip words short, or put unnatural emphasis in the wrong places. Remember, most politicians are expert public speakers, so genuine speeches are likely to sound professional and rehearsed.  
Strong emotions. No doubt about it, politics touch some sensitive nerves; however, if you see a post or “news report” that makes you incredibly angry or very sad, step away. Similar to phishing emails that urge readers to act without thinking, fake news reports stir up a frenzy – manipulating your emotions instead of using facts – to sway your way of thinking. 

Share Responsibly and Question Everything  

Is what you’re reading or seeing or hearing too bizarre to be true? That means it probably isn’t. If you’re interested in learning more about a political topic you came across on social media, do a quick search to corroborate a story. Have a list of respected news establishments bookmarked to make it quick and easy to ensure the authenticity of a report. 

If you encounter fake news, the best way you can interact with it is to ignore it. Or, in cases where the content is offensive or incendiary, you should report it. Even if the fake news is laughably off-base, it’s still best not to share it with your network, because that’s exactly what the original poster wants: For as many people as possible to see their fabricated stories. All it takes is for someone within your network to look at it too quickly, believe it, and then perpetuate the lies. 

It’s great if you’re passionate about politics and the various issues on the ballot. Passion is a powerful driver of change. But this election season, try to focus on what unites us, not what divides us. 

The post This Election Season, Be on the Lookout for AI-generated Fake News appeared first on McAfee Blog.

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Read Time:8 Second

Improper input validation vulnerability on the range header in Apache Software Foundation Apache Traffic Server.This issue affects Apache Traffic Server: through 9.2.1.

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USN-6279-1: OpenSSH update

Read Time:15 Second

It was discovered that OpenSSH has an observable discrepancy leading to an
information leak in the algorithm negotiation. This update mitigates the
issue by tweaking the client hostkey preference ordering algorithm to
prefer the default ordering if the user has a key that matches the
best-preference default algorithm.

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