Falling Dwell Time May Be Due to Faster Threat Activity

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Sophos warns against simple interpretation of the data

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USN-6038-1: Go vulnerabilities

Read Time:1 Minute, 40 Second

It was discovered that the Go net/http module incorrectly handled
Transfer-Encoding headers in the HTTP/1 client. A remote attacker could
possibly use this issue to perform an HTTP Request Smuggling attack.

It was discovered that Go did not properly manage memory under certain
circumstances. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause a panic
resulting into a denial of service. (CVE-2022-1962, CVE-2022-27664,
CVE-2022-28131, CVE-2022-30630, CVE-2022-30631, CVE-2022-30632,
CVE-2022-30633, CVE-2022-30635, CVE-2022-32189, CVE-2022-41715,
CVE-2022-41717, CVE-2023-24534, CVE-2023-24537)

It was discovered that Go did not properly implemented the maximum size of
file headers in Reader.Read. An attacker could possibly use this issue to
cause a panic resulting into a denial of service. (CVE-2022-2879)

It was discovered that the Go net/http module incorrectly handled query
parameters in requests forwarded by ReverseProxy. A remote attacker could
possibly use this issue to perform an HTTP Query Parameter Smuggling attack.

It was discovered that Go did not properly manage the permissions for
Faccessat function. A attacker could possibly use this issue to expose
sensitive information. (CVE-2022-29526)

It was discovered that Go did not properly generate the values for
ticket_age_add in session tickets. An attacker could possibly use this
issue to observe TLS handshakes to correlate successive connections by
comparing ticket ages during session resumption. (CVE-2022-30629)

It was discovered that Go did not properly manage client IP addresses in
net/http. An attacker could possibly use this issue to cause ReverseProxy
to set the client IP as the value of the X-Forwarded-For header.

It was discovered that Go did not properly validate backticks (`) as
Javascript string delimiters, and do not escape them as expected. An
attacker could possibly use this issue to inject arbitrary Javascript code
into the Go template. (CVE-2023-24538)

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Cyberweapons Manufacturer QuaDream Shuts Down

Read Time:1 Minute, 2 Second

Following a report on its activities, the Israeli spyware company QuaDream has shut down.

This was QuadDream:

Key Findings

Based on an analysis of samples shared with us by Microsoft Threat Intelligence, we developed indicators that enabled us to identify at least five civil society victims of QuaDream’s spyware and exploits in North America, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Europe, and the Middle East. Victims include journalists, political opposition figures, and an NGO worker. We are not naming the victims at this time.
We also identify traces of a suspected iOS 14 zero-click exploit used to deploy QuaDream’s spyware. The exploit was deployed as a zero-day against iOS versions 14.4 and 14.4.2, and possibly other versions. The suspected exploit, which we call ENDOFDAYS, appears to make use of invisible iCloud calendar invitations sent from the spyware’s operator to victims.
We performed Internet scanning to identify QuaDream servers, and in some cases were able to identify operator locations for QuaDream systems. We detected systems operated from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ghana, Israel, Mexico, Romania, Singapore, United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Uzbekistan.

I don’t know if they sold off their products before closing down. One presumes that they did, or will.

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Improving your bottom line with cybersecurity top of mind

Read Time:2 Minute, 43 Second

In times of economic downturn, companies may become reactive in their approach to cybersecurity management, prioritizing staying afloat over investing in proactive cybersecurity measures. However, it’s essential to recognize that cybersecurity is a valuable investment in your company’s security and stability. Taking necessary precautions against cybercrime can help prevent massive losses and protect your business’s future.

As senior leaders revisit their growth strategies, it’s an excellent time to assess where they are on the cyber-risk spectrum and how significant the complexity costs have become. These will vary across business units, industries, and geographies. In addition, there is a new delivery model for cybersecurity with the pay-as-you-go, and use-what-you need from a cyber talent pool and tools and platform that enable simplification.

It’s important to understand that not all risks are created equal. While detection and incident response are critical, addressing risks that can be easily and relatively inexpensively mitigated is sensible. By eliminating the risks that can be controlled, considerable resources can be saved that would otherwise be needed to deal with a successful attack.

Automation is the future of cybersecurity and incident response management. Organizations can rely on solutions that can automate an incident response protocol to help eliminate barriers, such as locating incident response plans, communicating roles and tasks to response teams, and monitoring actions during and after the threat.

Establish Incident Response support before an attack

In today’s rapidly changing threat environment, consider an Incident Response Retainer service which can help your organization with a team of cyber crisis specialists on speed dial, ready to take swift action. Choose a provider who can help supporting your organization at every stage of the incident response life cycle, from cyber risk assessment through remediation and recovery.

Effective cybersecurity strategies are the first step in protecting your business against cybercrime. These strategies should include policies and procedures that can be used to identify and respond to potential threats and guidance on how to protect company data best. Outlining the roles and responsibilities of managing cybersecurity, especially during an economic downturn, is also essential.

Managing vulnerabilities continues to be a struggle for many organizations today. It’s essential to move from detecting vulnerabilities and weaknesses to remediation. Cybersecurity training is also crucial, as employees unaware of possible risks or failing to follow security protocols can leave the business open to attack. All employees must know how to identify phishing and follow the principle of verifying requests before trusting them.

Penetration testing is an excellent way for businesses to reduce data breach risks, ensure compliance, and assure their supplier network that they are proactively safeguarding sensitive information. Successful incident response requires collaboration across an organization’s internal and external parties.

A top-down approach where senior leadership encourages a strong security culture encourages every department to do their part to support in case of an incident. Responding to a cloud incident requires understanding the differences between your visibility and control with on-premises resources and what you have in the cloud, which is especially important given the prevalence of hybrid models.

Protective cybersecurity measures are essential for businesses, especially during economic downturns. By prioritizing cybersecurity, companies can protect their future and safeguard against the costly consequences of a successful cyberattack.

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Siemens focuses on zero trust, legacy hardware, supply chain challenges to ensure cybersecurity of internal systems

Read Time:42 Second

Siemens has been working to be on top of vulnerabilities found in its products, but more importantly, to ensure the security of its internal operations. The manufacturing giant that works across several different lines of business, including industrial, smart infrastructure, health care, financial services, is protecting its systems by focusing on three main areas: zero trust, supply chain, and legacy systems.

Siemens has grown exponentially through acquisitions in its 166 years and employs more than 300,000 people. Acquisitions mean systems integrations and can often bring cybersecurity risks.

“We’re a company of companies,” Helen Negre, who recently took on the role of chief cybersecurity officer for Siemens US, tells CSO. That means that it’s difficult to create a single cybersecurity strategy for the entire company, she explains.

To read this article in full, please click here

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AI-powered chatbots: the threats to national security are only beginning

Read Time:1 Minute, 0 Second

The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Center (NCSC) recently issued a warning to its constituents on the threat posed by artificial intelligence (AI) to the national security of the UK. This was followed shortly by a similar warning from NSA cybersecurity director Rob Joyce. It is clear there is great concern from many nations surrounding the challenges and threats posed by AI.

To get a more rounded view of the dangers of bad actors using AI to infiltrate or attack nation-states, I reached out to the industry and found thoughts and opinions, and frankly, some who opted out of the discussion, at least for now.

The NCSC warned that queries are archived and thus could become part of the underlying large language model (LLM) of AI chatbots such as ChatGPT. Such queries could reveal areas of interest to the user and by extension the organization to which they belong. Joyce at the NSA opined that ChatGPT and its ilk will make cybercriminals better at their jobs, especially with the ability of a chatbot to improve phishing verbiage, making it sound more authentic and believable to even sophisticated targets.

To read this article in full, please click here

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Read Time:18 Second


Packages in this update:


Update description:

This update takes GitPython from version 3.1.0 to 3.1.18, which is the last upstream version to support Python 3.6 (which is the default version in RHEL 8). It also includes a backport of the upstream fix for CVE-2022-24439.

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