Abusing Scheduled Tasks with Living off the Land Attacks

Read Time:8 Second

Living off the Land: Scheduled Tasks provides an overview of how this tool is used, how it’s abused, and the CIS Controls can help you defend yourself.

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Xage’s new IAM offering provides multilayer authentication for ICS/OT

Read Time:40 Second

Zero trust security provider Xage Security has added a multilayer identity and access management (IAM) solution to its decentralized access control platform Xage Fabric to secure assets in different layers of operational technology (OT) and industrial control systems (ICS) environments.

“Multilayer IAM is needed for a couple of reasons,” said Roman Arutyunov, co-founder, and SVP of products at Xage Security. “First is the fact that operators design systems for high availability and resiliency, leaving no single point of failure, and second that separate identities are used at each layer and site with different admins to ensure that compromise of credentials at IT doesn’t result in compromise of OT and furthermore, compromise of one site does not lead to compromise of all sites.”

To read this article in full, please click here

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USN-6034-1: Dnsmasq vulnerability

Read Time:11 Second

It was discovered that Dnsmasq was sending large DNS messages
over UDP, possibly causing transmission failures due to IP
fragmentation. This update lowers the default maximum size of
DNS messages to improve transmission reliability over UDP.

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Cyber insurer launches InsurSec solution to help SMBs improve security, risk management

Read Time:46 Second

Cyber insurance provider At-Bay has announced the launch of a new InsurSec solution to help small-to-mid sized businesses (SMBs) improve their security and risk management postures through their insurance policy. The firm describes the At-Bay Stance platform as a “world’s first” that aims to addresses major security technology and skills access gaps by centralizing and prioritizing risks, along with providing expert support to mitigate threats – managed in conjunction with cyber insurance coverage.

The emergence of InsurSec technology reflects a cyber insurance landscape that has seen significant change recently. As the frequency and severity of ransomware, phishing, and denial of service attacks have increased, demand for and conditions relating to coverage have evolved. Policies are becoming more diverse, complex, expensive, and harder to qualify for, presenting CISOs and their organizations with new challenges and considerations for optimal cyber insurance investment.

To read this article in full, please click here

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Five Eye nations release new guidance on smart city cybersecurity

Read Time:33 Second

New guidance, Cybersecurity Best Practices for Smart Cities, wants to raise awareness among communities and organizations implementing smart city technologies that these beneficial technologies can also have potential vulnerabilities. A collaboration among the Five Eye nations (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US), it advises communities considering becoming smart cities to assess and mitigate the cybersecurity risks that comes with the technology.

What makes smart cities attractive to attackers is the data being collected and processed. Because AI-powered systems are being used to integrate this data, these should be given special attention when checking for vulnerabilities.

To read this article in full, please click here

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Get ready for RSA 2023: Stronger Together

Read Time:3 Minute, 23 Second

Going to RSA next week? If you don’t know, it’s a huge cybersecurity conference held at Moscone Center in San Francisco, CA. If you’re going, please stop by the AT&T Cybersecurity booth and check us out. It’s at #6245 in the North Hall. Remember to bring a picture ID for RSA check-in, otherwise you’ll have to go back to your hotel and get it.

The RSA theme this year is “Stronger Together” which sounds like a great plan to me!

The details

So, the details: AT&T Cybersecurity will be at RSA Conference 2023 (San Francisco, April 24-27), in booth 6245 in the North Hall. We’ll have a 10’ digital wall, four demo stations, and a mini theatre for presentations.

What can you expect to see in the AT&T Cybersecurity booth?

The AT&T Cybersecurity booth will be a hub of activity with demo stations, presentations, and other social networking activities. Our goal is to help you address macro challenges in your organization such as:

Pro-active and effective threat detection and response
Modernizing network security
Protecting web applications and APIs
Engaging expert guidance on cybersecurity challenges

Demo stations

Come check out our four demo stations that will provide you an opportunity to meet and talk with AT&T Cybersecurity pros. Our demos are highlighting:

Managed XDR
Network Modernization
Web Application and API Security (WAAP)
AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting

In-booth mini-theatre

The AT&T Cybersecurity booth includes a mini-theater where you can relax and enjoy presentations every 15 minutes plus get one of our limited-edition AT&T Cybersecurity mini-backpacks for all of your RSA memorabilia

Join us for presentations about:

2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Edge Ecosystem

Hot off the press for RSA, the 2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report is our annual thought leadership research. Learn how seven industries are using edge computing for competitive business advantages, what the perceived risks are, and how security is an integral part of the next generation of computing.

The Endpoint Revolution

Understand today’s “endpoint revolution” and the multi-layered preventative and detective controls that should be implemented to secure your organization.

Modernizing Network Security

Learn more about the modernization of enterprise security architectures and consolidation of multiple security controls, including those crucial to supporting hybrid work and the migration of apps and data to cloud services.

Alien Labs Threat Intelligence

Learn how the AT&T Alien Labs threat intelligence team curates intelligence based on global visibility of indicators of compromise into threats and tactics, techniques, and procedures of cybercriminals.

Next Generation Web Application and API Protection (WAAP) Security

Learn how WAAP is expanding to include additional features and how a service provider can help guide you to the right solution. The WAAP market is diverse and includes DDOS, bot management, web application protection and API security.

Empowering the SOC with Next Generation Tools

Learn how a new era of operations in security and networking is creating more efficiency in the SOC.


Monday, April 24

2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights Report: Edge Ecosystem

Report launch – attend a mini-theater presentation for your copy 

Monday, April 24

Cloud Security Alliance Panel: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM Pacific Moscone South 301-304
Featuring AT&T Cybersecurity’s Scott Scheppers discussing cybersecurity employee recruitment and retention.

Cloud Security Alliance Mission Critical summit RSAC 2023
(Open to RSA registrants) – All Day

Wednesday, April 26

Happy Hour at the AT&T Booth N624: 4:30 – 6:00 PM Pacific


Join us for networking and refreshments after a long day at the conference.

Wednesday, April 26

Partner Perspectives Track Session: 2:25 – 3:15 PM Pacific Moscone South 155
Cutting Through the Noise of XDR – Are Service Providers an Answer? Presented by AT&T Cybersecurity’s Rakesh Shah


As you can see, we have an exciting RSA week planned! We look forward to seeing and meeting everyone at the conference!

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