
Read Time:33 Second


Packages in this update:


Update description:

6.16 2023-02-24 03:07:14Z

Bump LWP::UserAgent to 6.37 in TestSuggests (GH#65) (Olaf Alders)

6.15 2023-02-22 22:02:46Z

Fix CVE-2022-31081: Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests
Correctly handle multiple Content-Length headers and its variants
(Theo van Hoesel)
Closes “Discrepancies in the Parsing of Content Length header …” (GH#56)
kill test server with KILL rather than QUIT (GH#63) (Graham Knop)
Create TestServer test lib for running daemon process (GH#62) (Graham Knop)
Clean up tests (GH#61) (Graham Knop)

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Edgio adds advanced DDoS protection with other WAAP enhancements

Read Time:29 Second

Content delivery network (CDN) service provider Edgio has added a new Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) scrubbing ability along with improved Web Application and API Interface (WAAP) to its network security offering.

Designed to reduce severe damages from sophisticated DDoS attacks, Edgio’s scrubbing solution impersonates the customer’s network by routing the customer’s IP traffic through its scrubbing point-of-presence (PoP) and only sending the “clean” traffic back to the customer’s infrastructure, according to Richard Yew, senior director, product management for Security at Edgio.

To read this article in full, please click here

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Read Time:27 Second


Packages in this update:


Update description:

6.15 2023-02-22 22:02:46Z

Fix CVE-2022-31081: Inconsistent Interpretation of HTTP Requests Correctly handle multiple Content-Length headers and its variants (Theo van Hoesel) Closes “Discrepancies in the Parsing of Content Length header …” (GH#56) (blessingcharles)
kill test server with KILL rather than QUIT (GH#63) (Graham Knop)
Create TestServer test lib for running daemon process (GH#62) (Graham Knop)
Clean up tests (GH#61) (Graham Knop)

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