Shoppers Warned Stay Alert this Black Friday as Hackers Renew Efforts

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Cyber-criminals are exploiting the busy period during both purchase and delivery stages

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Successful Hack of Time-Triggered Ethernet

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Time-triggered Ethernet (TTE) is used in spacecraft, basically to use the same hardware to process traffic with different timing and criticality. Researchers have defeated it:

On Tuesday, researchers published findings that, for the first time, break TTE’s isolation guarantees. The result is PCspooF, an attack that allows a single non-critical device connected to a single plane to disrupt synchronization and communication between TTE devices on all planes. The attack works by exploiting a vulnerability in the TTE protocol. The work was completed by researchers at the University of Michigan, the University of Pennsylvania, and NASA’s Johnson Space Center.

“Our evaluation shows that successful attacks are possible in seconds and that each successful attack can cause TTE devices to lose synchronization for up to a second and drop tens of TT messages—both of which can result in the failure of critical systems like aircraft or automobiles,” the researchers wrote. “We also show that, in a simulated spaceflight mission, PCspooF causes uncontrolled maneuvers that threaten safety and mission success.”

Much more detail in the article—and the research paper.

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Police force published sexual assault victims’ names and addresses on its website

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A UK police force has apologised after it published the names and addresses of victims of sexual assault on its website.

Suffolk Police says that it has launched an investigation into how victims’ names, addresses, dates of birth, and details of reportedly hundreds of alleged offences were left on public view.

Read more in my article on the Hot for Security blog.

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Noname Security releases Recon attack simulator

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As breaches increase and companies scramble to go from a defensive to an offensive approach, API-focused Noname Security has launched Recon, whice simulates an attacker performing reconnaissance on an organization’s domains.

Recon works from a root-level domain to find other domains, shadow domains, sub-domains, APIs, vulnerabilities, and public issues that put the organization at risk, according to Noname. “Then we start looking at, both actively and passively looking at any API-related information pertaining to those domains,” Troy Leilard, regional solution architect lead ANZ, tells CSO.

To read this article in full, please click here

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Security Recruiter Directory

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Looking for a qualified candidate or new job? CSO’s security recruiter directory is your one-stop shop.

The recruiters listed below can help you find your next chief information security officer (CISO) or VP of security and fill hard-to-hire positions in risk management, security operations, security engineering, compliance, application security, penetration testers, and computer forensics, among many others.

If you’re a security recruiting firm, we want your information! Our goal is to provide the most complete recruiter resource available, but to do that we need your assistance. Please send the name, contact info and a few sentences about your company and its specialties to Michael Nadeau.

To read this article in full, please click here

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Security Recruiter Directory

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Looking for a qualified candidate or new job? CSO’s security recruiter directory is your one-stop shop.

The recruiters listed below can help you find your next chief information security officer (CISO) or VP of security and fill hard-to-hire positions in risk management, security operations, security engineering, compliance, application security, penetration testers, and computer forensics, among many others.

If you’re a security recruiting firm, we want your information! Our goal is to provide the most complete recruiter resource available, but to do that we need your assistance. Please send the name, contact info and a few sentences about your company and its specialties to Michael Nadeau.

To read this article in full, please click here

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