Morgan Stanley’s Rachel Wilson on the democratization of cybercrime

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Rachel Wilson’s stellar security career has seen her hold several senior leadership positions at the National Security Agency (NSA) and become the first head of cybersecurity for Morgan Stanley Wealth Management and Investment Technology, where she now works to protect the organization’s systems and data and advises leadership on key cybersecurity issues.

Wilson was opening keynote speaker at the recent CSO UK Security Summit where she reflected upon the biggest changes in the risk and security landscape and how CISOs must respond to lead teams and embrace emerging opportunities. What follows are highlights from that presentation.

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Tracking incident alerts: Is 24 trillion a large number?

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Which sounds bigger – a thousand billion or a million million? Ahh, what’s it matter? A trillion is a really big number, right? Well, if someone wanted to count to a trillion it would take them almost 32,000 years according to at least one internet estimate. To a computer, counting to a trillion is trivial. Over the past few years, Microsoft has taken to promoting the number of “security signals” they monitor on a daily basis, and that number is up to 24 trillion, or, a trillion an hour – trivial, especially when you have the power of the internet behind you.

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