Hades RAT – Web Panel / Insecure Credential Storage

Read Time:18 Second

Posted by malvuln on Mar 14

Discovery / credits: Malvuln – malvuln.com (c) 2022
Original source:
Contact: malvuln13 () gmail com
Media: twitter.com/malvuln

Threat: Hades RAT – Web Panel
Vulnerability: Insecure Credential Storage
Family: Hades
Type: WebUI
MD5: c4cc1317aea42f7dd4a1b786c5278a24
MD5: a117b7fa4691b766dd5aa6455438fded (strings.ini)
Vuln ID: MVID-2022-0512
Disclosure: 03/13/2022
Description: The…

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RedLine.MainPanel – cracked.exe / Insecure Permissions

Read Time:19 Second

Posted by malvuln on Mar 14

Discovery / credits: Malvuln – malvuln.com (c) 2022
Original source:
Contact: malvuln13 () gmail com
Media: twitter.com/malvuln

Threat: RedLine.MainPanel – cracked.exe
Vulnerability: Insecure Permissions
Description: The malware writes PE files with insecure permissions to c
drive granting change (C) permissions to the authenticated user group.
Standard users can rename the…

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CVE-2021-45040 – Laravel Media Library Pro <=2.1.6 – Arbitrary File Upload (Unauthenticated)

Read Time:26 Second

Posted by Kelvin Yip on Mar 14

Hi Team,

Here is the exploit information for CVE-2021-45040.

Below is summary of timeline for reference:

1. Contact developer (security contact: Freek) regarding the vulnerability at Mon 12/13/2021 11:42 AM (GMT+8)
2. Contact CERT.org at Mon 12/13/2021 10:36 PM
3. Submit CVE Request to Mitre at Mon 12/13/2021 11:30 PM
4. No response from vendor until now.
5. Possible solution had been documented by our research team:…

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Read Time:11 Second


Packages in this update:


Update description:

take build-tool-depends into account (#65)
‘spec’,’update’: detect autorelease and preserve autochangelog (#66)
‘spec –standalone’: strip executable
support _builddir

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